86284 篇文章 · 205 人追蹤
  • 香港女星朱智賢日前背著男友謝東閔跟已婚男星黎振燁大搞不倫戀,之後朱智賢開記者會痛哭道歉,坦言「抽離不出劇中情侶角色」才會 ...

    saber768 2020-5-11 19:02 4 2469
  • 繼雞排、乾拌麵後,手搖飲再度成為不少人創業首選,包括百萬訂閱YouTuber滴妹也搶進這塊大餅,砸下百萬投資的飲料店「再睡五分鐘 ...

    saber768 2020-5-11 18:59 11 2608
  • 藝人季芹和王仁甫結婚14年,夫妻倆感情甜蜜,時常在社群網站上曬恩愛,但季芹坦言,和王仁甫相識到結婚19年,兩人靠的是不斷的磨 ...

    saber768 2020-5-11 18:54 6 2504
  • [Youtube]qxZInIyOBXk[/Youtube] Pat Benatar - We Belong Many times I tried to tell you Many times I cried alone Always ...

    IzquierdaAce 2020-5-11 16:34 0 1624
  • [Youtube]zpOULjyy-n8[/Youtube] REO Speedwagon - Can't Fight This Feeling Oh, I can't fight this feeling any longer An ...

    IzquierdaAce 2020-5-11 16:30 2 1687
  • [Youtube]wTP2RUD_cL0[/Youtube] Dire Straits - Money For Nothing Now look at them yo-yo's that's the way you do it You ...

    IzquierdaAce 2020-5-11 16:28 1 1690
  • 就在閃亮亮和黃包包分手以及退出硬漢兄弟後,今天她在自己的個人頻道發佈第一支影片了 [Youtube]AQpYdJOQlv0[/Youtube] 亮亮 ...

    工藤新衣 2020-5-11 12:45 40 24932
  • 最近去超商買東西,結帳時抬頭一看,發現眼前的這個店員也太優質 笑容甜成到不行,害我完全不敢多看兩眼,好希望時間能凍結 ...

    工藤新衣 2020-5-11 12:26 39 15180
  • 記得前陣子才分享過的超胸Youtuber拍片洗澡,工藤發現最近她換成幫自己的狗狗洗澡 不要以為幫狗狗洗澡就沒福利,看她的穿搭 ...

    工藤新衣 2020-5-11 11:49 45 15286
  • 以命償命[hr]你是個好人,但我不是。 被圈養的人由莉莉柯林斯、賽門佩格、康妮尼爾森所主演的《鎖命佈局》,是部美國的懸疑驚悚 ...

    電影說輸人 2020-5-11 11:05 46 7667
  • 本週上映新片 9 部[hr]熱門影評:《索命佈局》我要你的命《黑暗戰域》看到黑影就開腔《搭火車旅行好吃驚》腦洞真的被開了 Youtu ...

    電影說輸人 2020-5-11 10:47 30 5602
  • [Youtube]mWpnmE5Kltw[/Youtube] 我愛你 無畏人海的擁擠 用盡餘生的勇氣 只為能靠近你 哪怕一厘米 愛上你 是我落下的險棋 不懼 ...

    king0303 2020-5-11 08:26 0 1650
  • [Youtube]41P8UxneDJE[/Youtube] Heart - These Dreams Spare a little candle Save some light for me Figures up ahead Movin ...

    IzquierdaAce 2020-5-11 01:19 2 1989
  • [Youtube]ICJs1CxCRt0[/Youtube] Steelheart - She's Gone She's gone Out of my life I was wrong I'm to blame I was so unt ...

    IzquierdaAce 2020-5-11 01:12 1 1920
  • [Youtube]qxQAmaZ7dRk[/Youtube] White Lion - Wait Wait, wait I never had a chance to love you Now I only want to say I ...

    IzquierdaAce 2020-5-11 01:08 0 1892
  • [Youtube]XfR9iY5y94s[/Youtube] Travelling in a fried-out Kombi On a hippie trail, head full of zombie I met a strange l ...

    jei5858 2020-5-11 01:05 0 1812
  • [Youtube]lYAbzJNXiJY[/Youtube] Skid Row - Wasted Time You and I together in our lives Sacred ties would never fray The ...

    IzquierdaAce 2020-5-11 01:03 4 2044
  • [Youtube]ThHz9wlBeLU[/Youtube] You must be my lucky star 'Cause you shine on me wherever you are I just think of you an ...

    jei5858 2020-5-11 01:02 0 1886
  • [Youtube]6p-lDYPR2P8[/Youtube] Some boys kiss me Some boys hug me I think they're ok If they don't give me proper credi ...

    jei5858 2020-5-11 01:00 0 1338
  • [Youtube]HTRQ0n4yjfs[/Youtube] 作詞:陳昱榕(瘦子E.SO) 作曲:陳昱榕(瘦子E.SO) I don’t wanna change you baby Please ...

    bing1230 2020-5-11 00:58 0 1840
  • [Youtube]r0qDBYiOBrc[/Youtube] Who's that girl, who's that girl When you see her, say a prayer and kiss your heart good ...

    jei5858 2020-5-11 00:58 0 1799
  • [Youtube]JmcA9LIIXWw[/Youtube] There's a loving in your eyes all the way If I listen to your lies, would you say I'm a ...

    jei5858 2020-5-11 00:56 0 1800
  • [Youtube]8tI1_KlO6xI[/Youtube] Don't put your head on my shoulder Sink me in a river of tears This could be the best pl ...

    jei5858 2020-5-11 00:54 0 1799
  • [Youtube]sTHOneeC4yU[/Youtube] 喂喂喂 哪個 喂喂喂 哪個 啊啊啊 什麼 啊啊啊 什麼 我聽不到 信號不好 現在不方便 演出 ...

    s3129155 2020-5-11 00:40 0 1849
  • [Youtube]lJjYjYMbQ3E[/Youtube] 她的名字叫做Vancci 是個南京潘西 打扮穿衣都非常叛逆 她在看我的時候傳來一聲嘆息 像在說 我 ...

    s3129155 2020-5-11 00:40 0 1885
  • [Youtube]9OlefvTXxfk[/Youtube] 一條路走到黑 就算是手上被 沿路的荊棘給劃破 那心底 仍升起的真理 會翱翔在天際 會鳥瞰這天地 ...

    s3129155 2020-5-11 00:39 0 1782
  • [Youtube]dn47gfkH7oo[/Youtube] 你總是靜靜的期待 你總是面容不改 你總是相信會有一朵花開 你總是讓人不愛 你總是有你的神態 ...

    s3129155 2020-5-11 00:38 0 1763
  • [Youtube]WXPQGdwf4Qw[/Youtube] 那天我取掉了平常戴的項鍊 上衣的口袋裡塞了你的相片 我噴了你最愛的香水 又聽了幾遍我最愛的 ...

    s3129155 2020-5-11 00:38 0 1838
  • [Youtube]KkFoklBQ8RQ[/Youtube] 但妳的笑容真的照亮我的心

    nlri8088 2020-5-10 22:46 0 1729
  • 郭富城9日舉辦直播慈善演唱會,太太方媛和大女兒現身捧場,郭富城更首度讓女兒公開亮相,而母親節到了,天后蔡依林和Janet曬出和 ...

    saber768 2020-5-10 18:33 21 3250
  • 知名網紅團體「Wackyboys反骨男孩」因為大尺度的影片,跟無厘頭的行徑,在網路上有著大批死忠粉絲,發展至今更成立二軍跟三軍, ...

    saber768 2020-5-10 18:31 54 9232
  • 41歲女星尹馨出道多年,曾演出《川流之島》、《你的孩子不是你的孩子─茉莉的最後一天》等影視作品,戲劇成績亮眼,從事劇本創作 ...

    saber768 2020-5-10 18:28 23 3188
  • 日本資深「性感女神」藤原紀香,與演出日劇《半澤直樹》中男星片岡愛之助結婚5年依然恩愛,近期因武漢肺炎(COVID-19、新冠肺炎 ...

    saber768 2020-5-10 18:23 11 3906
  • 全方位藝人曾之喬在今年3月開始經營YouTube頻道,繼上週推出新單元「我是在演藝圈長大的」睽違多年找來Sweety成員劉品言合體之後 ...

    saber768 2020-5-10 18:20 9 2894
  • ▲賈靜雯(右)分享女兒們送的母親節禮物。(圖/賈靜雯臉書) 藝人賈靜雯2015年嫁給修杰楷,婚後迎來2個女兒咘咘、波妞,與前 ...

    saber768 2020-5-10 18:17 7 2640
  • [Youtube]qfNmyxV2Ncw[/Youtube] Aerosmith - Cryin' Mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm Mm, mm, mm, mm mm, mm, mm mm Come on Lovin' ...

    IzquierdaAce 2020-5-10 18:16 0 1659
  • [Youtube]0dldfR1NMow[/Youtube] Mötley Crüe - You're All I Need The blade of my knife Faced away from your heart Tho ...

    IzquierdaAce 2020-5-10 18:08 0 1383
  • [Youtube]G5H94GHb-10[/Youtube] Hear N' Aid - Stars Who cries for the children? I do Some time in the night When you' ...

    IzquierdaAce 2020-5-10 18:06 0 1644
  • 工藤最近發現一個有點狂的妹子,明明13歲的她乳量看起來只有B,是個可愛的學生妹 雖然不是說完全沒有奶,但就是小巧玲瓏的 ...

    工藤新衣 2020-5-10 13:00 40 16484
  • [Youtube]n5GX5VjeMng[/Youtube] We are down, we are crazy fools everyday at school Teachers here, teachers there Books a ...

    jei5858 2020-5-10 12:03 0 1219
  • [Youtube]dSTDEKDIAro[/Youtube] I can stick around 'Cos here's funky town And here's A Wild Tom Cat (He is a Wild Tom Ca ...

    jei5858 2020-5-10 12:00 0 1704
  • [Youtube]VmUHylvZHnw[/Youtube] Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey Hey, hey, ...

    jei5858 2020-5-10 11:58 0 1196
  • [Youtube]esobjNGaN7k[/Youtube] Touch by touch, you're my all time lover Skin to skin, come undone my cover When I feel ...

    jei5858 2020-5-10 11:54 0 1739
  • [Youtube]X2LTL8KgKv8[/Youtube] I wear my sunglasses at night So I can, so I can Watch you weave then breathe your story ...

    jei5858 2020-5-10 11:46 0 1701
  • [Youtube]vHGuTa6pWxg[/Youtube] Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Listen up ev ...

    jei5858 2020-5-10 11:42 0 1755
  • [Youtube]Fe93CLbHjxQ[/Youtube] Ghostbusters! If there's something strange In your neighborhood Who you gonna call? Ghos ...

    jei5858 2020-5-10 11:41 0 1218
  • [Youtube]jna53qxXRw4[/Youtube] 詞:何啟弘 / 曲:陳國華 半邊月 你的臉 我渡過故事的圓缺 點點的淚像星晨掛黑夜 倒映在回 ...

    bbbbvcxz 2020-5-10 11:40 0 1844
  • [Youtube]OjcYphaTWjQ[/Youtube] 我喜歡你 在我腦海裡 徘徊很久很久 卻從未離開過 好想要你走出夢 一起生活 好想對你說靠近我 ...

    uniqlolo 2020-5-10 09:43 1 2174