Can not not learn photography skills

northface8d 2010-8-21 17:16:39 發表於 卡民報到 [顯示全部樓層] 回覆獎勵 閱讀模式 0 1374
can not not learn photography skills .1 - composition

that photography could most of my friends will think: select a scene is a beautiful place, people stop to the front of the camera, press the shutter the right not to OK! If you can stop and read my this log, it is likely to upset you on this point.


With the popularity of digital cameras, \Insiders jokingly us amateur \true reflection of my camera right.

should say I'm one of \Last go to Beijing, I photographed hundreds of recent photos of 4G, a look at the computer,north face clearance, not much satisfaction. I had began to doubt their own level of. In recent days, I e-learning for a while before we know it inside a deep knowledge.

I was not ready when learning of the photographer, me and my cameras could not photograph what \I wrote this series of logs not want any more \If you are a \

following picture is our favorite of these rookie: the principal shooting (people) standing picture plane, into the scene I do not know where the good, the purpose is to \As a result, over-center composition, will only make sense and the picture becomes a lack of level changes, it is easy for the viewer Shenmeipilao, get the composition dull, lifeless and beauty.

\photographic subject on the screen at about a third of Office full of people that the images of harmonious beauty. \or the intersection of this straight line more in line with the human visual system. Shoot camera can be directly transferred out, \

cruise center in the picture frame as a whole is extremely rigid boat leaned into the screen 1 / 3 of the location coordinates

effect becomes the focus in the right center of the camera, can be aligned first half press the shutter shot of the main focus, then re-composition, the process should be careful not to let go, to maintain the half-press the shutter status, and can not move the camera around and zoom.

several common methods of

the following composition The composition method you have to remember Oh, when you pick up the camera when the composition should be in your heart the idea.

different elements of photography composition in the form of frame composition

There are banners in the form of the painting surface, vertical format, generally horizontal frame shooting lying, sitting figures; vertical frame standing figures such as film. But you can always remember, this is not an inch of the law change, but in more cases like this.

exposure 1/160s Aperture F8 Focal length 55mm
form of composition with banners, screen visual elements to accommodate more

with a simple background highlights the main

For portrait photography, portrait photograph people is to express the main target, is an important part of the screen. It is not only the center of the screen content, but also the center of the screen structure, around which other features should form a whole. Therefore, the best photographers in the screen to note how prominent figures.

For starters, prominent figures of the easiest way is to find a more simple and clean background. For example one side and white walls, a clean, green grass and the like not only complex background, so the photographer to focus on people who simply, do not worry about dealing with the relationship between good character and background of the photo resulting failure problems.
In addition, the photographer in mind look for the half-length portrait portrait photography in particular, close-up is of great importance. So, try some of the characters eyes on the screen marked lateral 1 / 3 of line position, it can not only highlight the main screen, but also more appropriate composition and harmony.

aperture exposure time of 1/125s focal length 58mm F4.8 sensitivity 800
sense of strong background lines, more than ever to build a slender model with the grammaticalization

background highlight the main

If you want to further highlight the main characters, beginners can also consider using the method of virtual background to highlight the figure. Background of this virtual method can also rule out the background clutter interference on the main characters. Using the telephoto lens is not only to provide a true performance figures, but also to achieve the perfect effect of virtual technology. If the environment for people of little value in use. Can be compared to its nominal depth; if needed to account for certain environmental factors, but do not want the effects to the main characters, you can be modest nominal (virtual way of background, after the talk anymore), to achieve both unity can be.
aperture F2.5 aperture F3.5 1/200s exposure time exposure time of 1/125s focal length of 90mm focal length of 135mm sensitivity sensitivity 160
100 bokeh properly, it will not affect the character screen Main
telephoto lens has a virtual background and prominent figures of the main effects of physical, environmental factors also account

characters, scenery and reasonable with

if the characters and the background with properly, there will be people head the trees, pillars and other objects or branches, which do not grow the right shoulder of the composition form. This requires attention to the photographer, when the main characters behind the tall trees or towers and other background, to consider the main characters move a little under that, to avoid the trees as the background and characters overlap. Of course, you can also soften the background a little, so that people become more prominent.

exposure 1/100s Aperture F13 Focal Length 85mm
characters in the environment during filming, to avoid duplication of figures and trees background

grasp the physical choice figures locations

beginners very easy to commit a mistake when shooting portrait busts, figure mishandled physical location of choice, often there arm, waist cut off the screen. For beginners, with particular attention to, when shooting from inside the viewfinder, do not cut from the character of the joints. In other words, do not let King box from the bottom of the elbow, waist or knee cut on both sides of King box does not cut from the wrist or elbow. If you must cut from the arm or leg, it should try to skip the joints.

Aperture F4 Exposure time 1/160s focal length 135mm
large half-length portrait shot, you can more or less in the knee portion of cutting

the relationship between the characters and scenery

scene selection and reasonably with figures and landscape is the key to tourism portrait photography. Everywhere where there where the most typical, the most representative features. Even small cities have a certain landscape feature it. This requires that the photographer should be properly arranged photo figure this unique landscape, so photos became \I have seen some people take photographs in the nest of steel, was rather Mangrenmoxiang flavor.

in the shooting process, the photographer should pay attention to character and scene composition with the problem. Travel photo shooting, two problems often occur: one is the wrong person here, that the scene to block the living; In other cases, too many performance features, resulting figure was not significant (figure too small, not closer look can not find). Therefore, the combination of the shooting scene photos of people being photographed by the station's location is very important. Tourism is the main body of portraits of people, sites only as a background, but is a typical and meaningful context and to maintain its integrity.

of the main characters in the picture holds at least one-fifth or more, because we shot the portrait photograph, if people take more than the column is too small, will lead to entire picture of the landscape has become overwhelming and This beginner shooting portraits of lovers in particular should pay attention. In general, the Tour portrait photography, scenic spots about two-thirds of the screen, while the figure accounts for about one-third of the screen.

character position is the most common composition among people on the photo, but now the most popular figure placement in the entire picture of the gold sub-grid points, that is, the screen left or right one third of the Department, this will make the picture look more natural, which can be based on the actual situation.

course, due to wide-angle and standard lens to better uptake and performance of the relationship between landscape and people, so use more widely. Although the broad vast natural landscape, but every detail does not necessarily need to enter the screen, so when shooting, should take some typical details of the election or in part, to make the picture even more full of artistic charm. For the partial characterization and description, telephoto lens is essential. In addition, the telephoto lens on the background blur effects, can also give a different aesthetic.

It should be noted that people are generally inclined towards the photo central, outward tilt will bring a new foreign character of the awkward feeling. Of course, if you deliberately want to show some style under special circumstances, you can follow your own preferences for filming

exposure 1/500s Aperture F5.6 wide-angle lens focal length of 55mm
selection, not only People can be fully demonstrated, while the account of the environment are just right

no distance friendship

outings with friends, simply want to have more time together, during which the total immune pictures taken. At this point, even though nothing spectacular or beautiful scene, as long as the show through the camera's intimate friends, had enough. For photos of life among friends, in most cases need to be natural, casual way of performance. For example, to encourage them to do some lovely moves, interesting, grimacing, and so on, to avoid being proactive people to do some modeling of the action or expression.

, of course,Nationwide electronic map, the photographer can also figures to capture. Not aware of being photographed subject in the case,ugg tasmina slipper, its performance is the most natural. Photographer to eye grassland, while it is not prepared, whisper or chase slapstick situations, rapid capture some wonderful pictures.

be proactive character unrestrained front of the camera, intimate whisper between friends
give their true feelings

create a sense of stability and reasonable composition

forest background and character formation of the parallel structure of the face. The results can not be prominent figures of the facial expressions. In addition, under the side of the extra screen space ratio is excessive. The horizontal red line marking the right tilt, the overall performance of the instability and dull sense of framing the plan is a typical example of the failure.

failure framing
shaped a sense of stability. As the red line is divided region, consistent with the distribution of the screen. Picture the wide blue sky as the main background, the soles of the feet of yellow grass and the people close to the height of it, which makes the whole match and highlights the color image segmentation results equal portions.

better viewing

to avoid the phenomenon of perspective, making a good film building

perspective to avoid the phenomenon of the first building, the main building must be taken to maintain the level of When using wide-angle lens to avoid making Yang and overhead, otherwise the building will be in the frame around the central or tilt (the Yang-shot camera facing up, the building tilted to the inside, shot down the overhead, the building will outward tilt. This is almost great relationship far caused little perspective).

(standing very close to Tiananmen Square close, we are trying to shoot into the red, Yang had to beat up the camera, the results in tilting to the side of the building. At the same time do not take the main level of Tiananmen Gate, buildings may tilt powerful, and this is especially to be avoided.)

if the environment allows, the best choice from a further distance, with the focal length of the lens to shoot (stand back, and then zoom closer to the main shoot, But rain and fog days, the screen may be gray Meng Meng's), so that we can completely avoid the phenomenon of perspective.

positive if the light into the building when the 45-degree angle, light and dark contrast and dimension, is easy to temperament buildings shown.

appropriate to include some visual elements, so big scene is no longer monotone

for large scenes, such as the sea, lake, grassland, desert, the photographer will use a lot of wide-angle vision. However, there are particular about landscape photography, filming, if only the sea, sand dunes, the color becomes a bit more monotonous.

If the screen to accommodate a number of other features, colors, prints and figures, even if it is far, it can play with color, will do not have a taste. So photography is a self thing, and there is much to experience themselves.

composition assessment

Story .1
scenes and portraits of the match, the ever-changing images can be combined with the results, the composition, sometimes it seems that no confusing, but in fact, there are some principles to follow.
in Part # 1, we first look at portrait photography most commonly committed by a small loss.
1. 【Model】 mistake: this man with King's image, building pillar of the line clear in the figure above the head, such a situation, like outdoor photo, the tree in the figure's head shoot branches, tree trunks general, was rather strange.
In addition, Figure 1, the space character seems to remain sight too little.

2. Improved】 【composition: a slight adjustment in camera angles, and avoid the pillars of building the line, and the scope of the camera view to right with the box, leaving more of the line of sight can solve the above problems.

Story .2
when shooting portraits, and more to try different camera angles is very important in the face with a scene, we can be more thoughtful in what angle, and the most able to reach the screen tension and fun.
in Part # 2, we look at portraits of different camera angles.
1. 【Model】 error: picture of instability - due to the lines of the wall, causing the feeling of uncertainty into the picture.

2. 【Model】 error: improved picture of instability, but the composition usually - this is the most commonly used parallel to the film, although the picture does not improve the stability on the map sense, but the composition is far too common.

3. 【Composition】 improved: slightly adjust the camera angles, and we try to shoot from the top models, like this film, is not more than the two plans, but also a lot more lively!

in narrative, documentary, or a story of portrait photography, we often view people with a way to show the scene where the characters, space, environment. This time, people are an element of the picture, how to frame the right people with the King to take, presenting a better image in this time become an important composition of thinking.
in Part # 3, we look at the scope of box King.
1. 【Model】 wrong: emphasizing character, which is generally the most common framing the scope of the performance of the image scene not clear, there is an element of narrative, but the time and space, poor environmental performance.

2. 【Model】 error: a little box to get more range, but the framing behind the scenes, obviously, did not result in any significant meaning for the image, so they become more messy.

3. 【Composition】 improvement: re-framing adjustment range, this image will be the platform,Chengdu's total solar eclipse, railway extension being shown up!

in the a \
Basically, unit # 3 in the box to change the view range, and think of how to get to the scene with Kuangyuan, levels of feeling, and tell people where the scenes.
further, if it is to show the meaning behind the image, tell the theme images, images taken in the box will have a different focus.

The following is an example of framing is failure. The problem is that this picture is too high above the horizon, MM there is a feeling to fall into the water, the picture out of balance.

following this shooting very successful, so that the horizon disappears in the photo 1/3--1/2 Department, looks very coordinated, not feel-MM from the photo fell out or depression into the feeling (so when the photographer, and never should put photos 1/3--1/2 outside the horizon.)

like this, the main character was a serious interference with the background noise.

this well and play a small role in the distance, highlighting the MM, PP. However, the horizon is oblique, but also to remind MM when they put POSE is inclined over his head, was not himself inclined to come to you.

Classic Appreciation

beautiful photographic composition photo # 1 (using wide-angle lens photography)
Photo Location: United States Ohio Dublin
Photo Highlights: the creation of beautiful natural scenery and beautiful people living together constitute the profile picture

● as straight angle. (Full - shot) 17mm

up and down in the color configuration of a larger effort. Increase the level of stability after the layout of a sense of blue sky, the water arrangement in the left side of the screen trichotomy on the line. Together constitute a slash of green grass to set off another person's activities, the formation of a fairy tale in the picture depicted.

beautiful photo # 2 (using wide-angle lens photography)
Photo Location: United States Ohio Dublin
photography focus: the creation of beautiful natural scenery and beautiful people living together constitute a gesture the screen. As the boxer. (Full-shot) 17mm

● as straight angle. (Full-Shot) 17mm

blue sky and green grass take pictures of 3 / 5, the right to slash the screen layout of the exotic home. In addition, in order to increase the vitality of the screen, arranged left the child and mother, and using people to further harmonize the colors of clothing color. In short, the mother and the children's movements and White Plus lovely background to form a coordinated clean, warm photography.

beautiful photo # 3 (using wide-angle lens photography)
Photo Location: Incheon Moon Park Sudoguksan Museum
photography focus: the two cute little girls into the blue sky background. Low angle. (Full-shot) 18mm

● Canon EOS 300D, 1/640s, F3.5, ISO 100, 18mm

on a trip to Incheon East Sudoguksan museum. The museum can be brought back to reproduce the older generation's memories of the original appearance of the moon in the village. Just hit the blue sky is very beautiful, which makes of think of the children to create memories for the page. Blue sky background, low angle shot of two children dressed in different clothes, the sideways, the screen next to the line side of the main museum building arranged, and layout of large blue sky, the performance of a refreshing feeling. In addition, arrangements for the child to the lower right side of the rule of thirds intersection and the center of the screen,There is a, the enhancement of the picture a sense of stability.

beautiful photo # 4 (using wide-angle lens photography)
Photo Location: Incheon International Airport
Photo Focus: Photo intention is to effect the performance of time and space. High angle. (Full-shot) 23mm

● FinePix S3Pro, 1/125s, F3.3, ISO 800, 23mm
the photo to capture the high-angle longitudinal children under the clock tower. Stay out of the red marked area and watch the back of a substantial background of space, plus the child's sense of urgency on the time to express the child's remaining time and the passage of time has been the boundary between.

beautiful photo # 7 (using wide-angle lens photography)
Photo Location: the original iron key fields
Photo: screen while viewing the blue sky, a woman carrying Cosmos flowers, clothing, color, and yellow wilderness, intentionally exaggerating the performance of deep autumn. Low angle (Waist-shot). 10 ~ 20mm

● Canon EOS 30D, 1/400s, F10.0, ISO 400, 11mm

to create unique art and photography focused on the screen layout on. More complex composition of the photo. Photography using a low-angle and wide-angle lens distortion. That is, looking up from the people of the lower side shot, you can form a strong distortion effects, but this time we should use the wide-angle lens. The performance of dynamic characters slash flowing hair and wind in the main, combined with the blue sky, golden fields and the Cosmos flowers, emitting a more intense atmosphere of autumn.

beautiful photo # 8 (using wide-angle lens photography)
Photo Location: iron of the original wild cabbage seedlings
Photo Key: A wide-angle framing the blue sky and cabbage to the people in agriculture . Wide-angle lens (Full-shot). 10 ~ 20mm

● Canon EOS 30D, 1/400s, F8.0, ISO 100, 10mm

low angle shot of the busy movement patterns of seedling farmers. Photo of the main activities for the grandmother, so using the most appropriate slash composition, has been fairly successful photography.

beautiful photo # 9 (using wide-angle lens photography)
Photo Location: Chuncheon City, west of the new Merry
photography focus: low-angle shot of children playing in the water scene , splashes of water droplets by capturing, for the picture to give to life.

● Canon EOS 1D Mark II N, 1/400s, F11.0, ISO 200, 12mm

extraordinary as the boxer is difficult to create unique works. After pondering the screen layout,GHD Salon Styler, simply select a low-angle jump into the water. With blue sky and water, face-centered layout, showing the children a sense of dynamic activity. Red lines mark the background and the distribution of the children were chosen line

beautiful photo # 10 (using wide-angle lens photography)
Photo Location: Chuncheon City, Zhaoyang Road 2 Street Development
photography focus: the moon stressed the village landscape and the children smile. Low angle. 70 ~ 200mm

● Canon EOS 1D Mark II N, 1/320s, F3.2, ISO 320, 155mm

take a rainy day in the alley in hand with Dazhao San's children. The performance of children stunted child than the camera angle, low angle photography sitting more prominent children lively attitude. To show the spatial effects of this zone, specifically including the red marker shows the old buildings, using the screen side of the water under the direction of motion suggests.

beautiful photo # 11 (use standard lens photography)
Photo Location: Park
photography focus: children and the innocent smile with mainly close-up shot. As the boxer (Bust-shot). 85mm

● Canon EOS 300D, 1/1000s, F2.2, ISO 100, 85mm

centralized composition using the center to the child's face as the photographic focus. Virtual paste around the background and focus attention on the child's face on.

beautiful photo # 12 (use of the telescope head of photography)
Photo Location: Westwood, green tea to [
B] Photo Focus: Photo object as the furrows in the green tea to high angle (Full- shot). 85mm

photography stresses the importance of color contrast and the facial expression. To show the freshness of green grass, leaving the lower side of the large background screen, the characters arranged in the upper left side of the rule of thirds intersection of the screen,arcteryx jackets, thus forming a red girl came forward in the picture. Furrow extends from the figure for directions to the lower right corner of the screen, showing pictures full sense of direction and sense of stability.

beautiful photo # 13 (use standard lens photography)
Photo Location: sleep Island beach
photography focus: Comparison of the sea in winter clothes, the color of colorless and characters, and the people face as photography focus. As the boxer (Medium-shot). 85mm
● Canon EOS 1D, 1/1250s, F1.4, ISO 200,women ugg, 85mm

no special background desirable, it is best to use the center of the main character composition. In the figure as the center of the composition, usually given in the center of the screen close-up. However, the examples will be figures arranged in the picture on the left third of online, near colorless background and character colors of clothes they contrast so that pictures look isolated character and background. The existence of fragmented shells and other extra Pi Sheti environment, suitable for a strong focus on virtual telescope paste the value of the first or lower the lens aperture.

beautiful photo # 14 (use of the telescope head of photography)
Photo Location: Philippines 达斯帕玛斯 (Dos Palmas) beach
photography focus: the sea as the background and character and to coordinate composition as a photographic background focus. Low angle (Full-shot). 70 ~ 200mm

● Canon EOS 300D, 1/1000s, F5.0, ISO 100, 168mm

actually ship in the field of white sand on the white sand, but the work gives the ship floating in the sea on board the boat but a woman into the fantasy feel. The left side of the screen to form triangular arrangement of figures, including the right of the screen part of the boat. At the same time framing mountain and ocean, consciously improve refreshing seaside feel. It is worth noting that the work contains only the first part of the ship and the model of natural forms.

beautiful photo # 15 (use of the telescope head of photography)
Photo Location: Gyeongnam Miryang Pyochungsa
Photography Focus: photography focuses on children's clothes and the background color coordination . As the boxer (Full-shot). 70 ~ 200mm

● Canon EOS 300D, 1/200s, F5.0, ISO 100, 168mm

works as far as possible the performance of a grass green freshness, the children bright clothes shown vitality. Than the standard lens, wide angle lens is more conducive to the performance of the child's natural posture. In addition, these children too young does not have the photographer's ability. So the best way is to first conceived composition, and repeat continuously pressing the shutter shot.

beautiful photo # 17 (use standard lens photography)
Photo Location: Indoor photography
photography focus: to highlight the performance of the children cute expression. As the boxer. 85mm

● Canon EOS 300D, 1/80s, F1.8, ISO 100, 85mm

lovely face close-up children. The photographic work focuses on faces, then no need to show extra Pi Sheti while distracted. Therefore, the screen center, gives the full picture of the close-ups. Screen the lower right hand side of tugging at the hair of small children even set off a lovely expression.


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