Team Solomid情報: The Rain Man 退出TSM

otokomae 發表於 2012-3-14 12:31:00 [顯示全部樓層] 回覆獎勵 閱讀模式 0 1496
隨著成為同屋主,他們感情及默契變得更好之外,亦出現了預期之外的很多問題,這些問題亦導致在合作上出現裂縫.為此,TRM決定離開主要隊伍並由Epik GAMER的Dyrus接替.其餘的TSM成員亦接納了此決定.TRM雖然離開了主要隊伍但仍然會在基友屋開STREAM的.


Dyrus: 我不想就這樣結束,但是對我來說這是一個很難得的機會,不可能就這樣放棄.因此我會離開epik gaming並加入TSM的BAYLIFE!

TheRainMan: 我不認為我與各成員磨合得很好,也不會令隊伍實力下降.所以,最終我會離去但是我們仍然是好友.

Chaox: rainman沒有與隊伍磨合得好,因為我們實在是"亞洲人"了.

Xpecial: TRM是一個非常好的玩家及朋友,但是他與其它的隊員有不同的觀念,致如今的這個情況.雖然我們不再是隊友,但是我也會祝福他--無論是LOL還是他的人生.

THEODDONE: 看見他離開真的是很難過,我們也會祝福他的.但是另一方面我們也期待著新成員Dryus--我們也認為他一個很好的替代!

Andy 'Reginald' Dinh

Shan 'Chaox' Huang

Brian 'TheOddOne' Wyllie

Alex 'Xpecial' Chu

Marcus 'Dyrus' Hill

Team SoloMid is one of the oldest North American team in League of Legend's competitive scene and has kept a consistent roster for nearly a year now. During this time, every member of TSM have become great friends and formed a bond that persists even outside of the game.

Only a few months ago, Team SoloMid formed the first League of Legends gaming house in North America as a brilliant step towards refining their play. However, with this large step, problems arose in regards to the path necessary for TSM to become the best team. Such problems have caused strife out of the game and its effects have crippled teamwork and ultimately is detrimental to our performance as a team. With this, TheRainMan has decided to step off the main team and former Epik Gamer's Dyrus will be in his stead. This decision was made in full acceptance of all members and RainMan will continue to stream for SoloMid and stay in the gaming house.

Team SoloMid has become more than just a team for its members and though people come and go, they still remain friends. While RainMommy will no longer play with the team, his loud outbreaks will continue to be heard during scrims and he will continue to be a friend of each member.

Marcus 'Dyrus' Hill : I didn't want it to end up like this but this is a chance I can't pass by. I will be leaving Epik gamer to join Team Solomid in their journey on the path of baylife.

Christian 'TheRainMan' Kahmann: I didn't feel that I clicked well with the team and I did not want to hold the team down. In the end, we are all still friends and we will remain that way.

Shan 'Chaox' Huang: Rainman didn't mesh well with the team, we were too asian for him.

Alex 'Xpecial' Chu: TheRainMan is an excellent player and a great friend, but the differences in philosophy between him and the rest of the team has led up to this point.
Even if we are no longer teammates, I wish him the best of luck in both LoL and in life.

Dyrus' situation made him the ideal candidate and I wholeheartedly welcome him on the team. I wish for everyone's continued support for Dyrus and TSM.

Brian 'TheOddOne' Wyllie: we are really sad to see him go, we wish him luck in the future. However we're really excited to have dyrus on the team as we feel he'll be a worthy replacement.

New Line-up:

Andy 'Reginald' Dinh
Shan 'Chaox' Huang
Brian 'TheOddOne' Wyllie
Alex 'Xpecial' Chu
Marcus 'Dyrus' Hill
