I posted a testing experience at the computer session about an add on for Chrome and Google. The app is to remove advertisement from website and I have share my personal experience. The post was removed by user "city3034".
I find this action is unfair and unprofessional due to the administrator fail to read and evaluate the definition of advertisement. The definition of advertisement are determined as "a notice or announcement in a public medium promoting a product, service, or event or publicizing a job vacancy." I have listed this ad under category "[原創測試]" as this is an original review about the app and user "city3034" removed my post.
By the remover definition, any product testing review should be removed under the same condition due to the fact that a "notice or announcement in a public medium promoting a product, service..etc"
I request to restore my original post and review do user city3034 have the ability, knowledge and experience to differentiate an advertisement or review