mini cooper s?

martian_man 發表於 2007-2-27 08:26:59 [顯示全部樓層] 回覆獎勵 閱讀模式 4 2538
hey uncle is getting rid of his 2005 mini cooper s, i was wondering wether i should buy it from him or not....but in debating...i just want to ask for some any of you drive a mini cooper s? if so can u tell me a little about how the car runs...and if you think it will be worth it? thanx


eric5230 發表於 2007-5-28 09:03
i sugest do not buy mini cooper
1. not safety
2. expansive
just dont understand why so many people like this car. save your money to buy one AMG's car is better
fast! i dont think so  can't bit my trubo honda the way i just use second gear ha ha
rw1009 發表於 2007-5-30 18:34
I think all the mini owner chose it only for one reason, the look
but just for ur information, iti is extremely small
its hardly for anyone to fit into the back seat
so consider as u r buying a 2 seat coupe, a very small one
and only if ur family have another car, or u dont play any sport
otherwise u'll start hating it really quickly
Timmy 發表於 2007-6-20 20:39
Its a good car ....and i am 100% sure it can beats that creepy Jazz.
it's supercharge, gives u enough kick back and enjoy with drving.
not a bad option, if you have enough money. i would consider to buy
Mini S, BMW man.everyone wants it
之天劍 發表於 2007-6-23 09:26
疑  大家都用英文回也
這台車在bmw接手後  引擎 內裝 底盤 都大大進步
是一台確確實實的好車  但是之前某女星車禍身亡
吝大家感到婉惜  必進在高速的情況下  小車碰大車   是一定輸的
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