
saluferkimo 2007-5-11 03:47:25 發表於 人物訐譙 [顯示全部樓層] 回覆獎勵 閱讀模式 31 4502
saluferkimo 發表於 2007-5-12 01:47
The prof is a shit....ok?
he doesn't teach well in the class...talking shit
and this class doesn't matter what 50% of students have to fail this fucking course....
b/c 3rd year, university doesn't want too many students in the same program
so they have to fail students....
and he is not a fucking good prof.

and that day not just me go and talk to him...lots people go to the stupid hospital and talk to this stupid prof. and one of students just cry after seeing him on the hospital hall way...

so it's not just I don't like this prof. it's lots of people don't like him...
you can go and check the website I posted.... student's evaluation on him

what I don't really like him is he just tell me "Don't come to study biochem"...if he didn't say this shit...well I would accept I fail the course and I will retake again...that would be fine to me....

and I can say our students' qualities are better than in Taiwan...

and biochem is what I interesting in...and only a few Taiwanese students study this program(around 4 or 5)....others take business, accounting, mangner, and useless arts program...
I am not interesting those courses....or taking English and be a English teacher in Taiwan....ya...well done...students in Taiwan....ya...great!!!
saluferkimo 發表於 2007-5-12 01:50
原帖由 forthing2000 於 2007-5-11 08:29 發表
唉! 難怪現在學生素質低落...


I already think back what I did wrong and keep study this courses....
What I don't like him is he 酸 me....
saluferkimo 發表於 2007-5-12 01:51
原帖由 popolo1036 於 2007-5-11 09:31 發表

ya...if in chinese exam, I will get A to pass this courses...no worry about this...
saluferkimo 發表於 2007-5-12 01:53
原帖由 truelove003 於 2007-5-11 14:16 發表
畢竟有的教授真 ...

I am agree with you...some courses are unable to describe the concept...
what you need is luck on the exam...
saluferkimo 發表於 2007-5-12 02:00
原帖由 紫要A片 於 2007-5-11 17:25 發表
如果讓你硬 ...

ya...what a fucking great prof....I think you don't know him well as our classmates do
we study fucking hard and try to pass this course and still so many students failed...
we are not just try to get graduate in this program....and we won't be the shit in this biochem field....
we still can work in the reserach for other prof or even better place....
like my friend, he backs taiwan this summer and works for the goverment for summer term...
and he just got D+ to pass this course.....so is he a garbage or shit ??

[ 本帖最後由 saluferkimo 於 2007-5-11 18:05 編輯 ]
ken20kca 發表於 2007-5-12 03:46
lol...grow up will u? , if the prof is so bad, why is he still teaching as of today?! everyone is entitle to have their point of view, did u think u try hard enough? study hard enough? some students don't give their best and then complain abt the teachers...i have seen so many cases......if u can't handle criticisms from a teacher....i can see where u r going when u graduate and get a job...(boss is not so nice...I quit!)....
saluferkimo 發表於 2007-5-12 03:55
yup....we try so hard on this single course....
sometimes ppl just want to say their unconfortable out lound....
and get release...but others think we can not complain....
sean46 發表於 2007-5-13 00:39
I feel sorry that you failed the course.  
But I don't see any connection between your failure and the students' quality in Taiwan.  What are you trying to prove, dude?
And let me tell you something, maybe some students who take English teaching course do have their own interests or enthusiasm on
English teaching, just like you are interested in biochemistry.  Some courses are considered "useless" for you, but some people may
think those "useless courses" are helpful and useful.
科學小飛俠 發表於 2007-5-13 01:27
如果你選課前就知道這教授的風評   也就沒什麼好抱怨的   況且    有時候許多人評比不好的教授    其實不見得就真的很差       我修過幾位教授評比在 2.5~3 的      也覺得不差     評比 4 的反而我不是很喜歡      也就是有點杜蘭的意思
Der_Fuhrer 發表於 2007-5-13 01:34
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你這樣不僅造成中文使用者的困擾, 也讓英文使用者看得很累
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