【紐約日報專文】天堂一定是需要一位游擊手了, 紀念洋基傳奇人物Phil Rizzuto

lanc9958 發表於 2007-8-19 01:23:04 [顯示全部樓層] 回覆獎勵 閱讀模式 0 2601


'Heaven must have needed a shortstop'
Yanks remember Scooter, beloved player & announcer


Good night, Scooter.
Yankees legend Phil (Scooter) Rizzuto, a baseball Hall of Famer who became a beloved broadcaster best known for his catch phrase "Holy cow!" died late Monday at the age of 89.

洋基傳奇游擊手,同時也是名人堂球員Phil "Scooter" Rizzuto 在星期一過世.享年89歲.他在退休後成為棒球播報員,最為人知的就是他轉播球賽的口頭禪"Holy cow!"
(譯者註:Holy cow!中文沒辦法翻的精確,這是老外用來表達驚訝的口語,接近:哇!,我的天啊!的意思)

Though a former MVP and a member of seven World Series-winning teams, Rizzuto was remembered most yesterday for his quirky broadcasting style and a heart that seemed too big for his diminutive 5-foot-6 frame.


".Phil was a gem, one of the great people I ever knew," said former teammate Yogi Berra, who played bingo with Rizzuto every week during the shortstop's final months.
"He was a dear friend and a great teammate, and he was a heck of a player, too," Berra said. "When I first came up to the Yankees he was like a big - actually, small - brother to me."

".Phil是我所認識最好的人之一"前任隊友,也是他玩賓果的同伴Yogi Berra(也是洋基傳奇人物)說,"他是好朋友,好隊友,當然球技也是一級棒" "我剛到洋基時,他就像個大---事實上是(身材)小哥哥般地照顧我"

Rizzuto, who had been in failing health in recent years, contracted pneumonia and died in his sleep at an assisted-living facility in West Orange, N.J., his daughter said.


"My father had a great life," Patricia Rizzuto said. "What could be better - he spent all those years playing the game, and then the next 50 years talking about it."


Rizzuto was honored last night at the stadium in the Bronx that he called home first on the field, and then in the broadcast booth.


Stadium flags were lowered to half-staff, his No. 10 was spray-painted on the field, and a wreath was laid at his plaque in Monument Park. Yankees players will also be sporting black armbands with the No. 10 for the rest of the season.


"I guess heaven must have needed a shortstop," owner George Steinbrenner said in a statement. "While Scooter may have been smaller in size than some, he was among the tallest in his stature as a Yankee."

老闆Steinbrenner說:"我想天堂一定是需要一位游擊手了" ,"Scoote雖然身材比別人小,但是他對球隊的貢獻卻比別人還要大"

The son of a streetcar motorman, Rizzuto was born in Brooklyn and played football and baseball at Richmond Hill High School in Queens. He tried out for the Dodgers and Giants before latching on with the Yankees.


"He was lucky because he got to the Yankees and Joe DiMaggio took him under his wing because he was a fine Italian boy," Patricia Rizzuto said.


Rizzuto's 13-year Yankees career was interrupted by a stint in the Navy; he won the American League MVP in 1950 and was named to five All-Star teams.

Rizzuto 13年的球員生涯中間曾因為加入海軍而中斷.他在1950年獲選為美聯MVP,5次入選明星賽.

He was voted to the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1994 after former rival Ted Williams made an impassioned plea for Scooter to the Veterans Committee.

1994年,他昔日的競爭對手Ted Williams (他是紅襪的傳奇巨星)向評選委員會作了一次慷慨激昂的推薦,終於幫助他得以獲選進入棒球名人堂.

"The difference between the Yankees winning all those pennants in the '40s and '50s instead of the Red Sox was Rizzuto," Williams said.

Ted Williams 說:"在40和50年代,洋基能勝過紅襪的關鍵都是因為有Rizzuto"

Retiring in 1956, Rizzuto became a broadcaster the following year, and his enthusiastic style and pro-Yankees banter quickly made him a hit with fans.


His signature cry of "Holy cow!" and his work as a pitchman for The Money Store truly made him a broadcasting legend and a pop culture icon who inspired references on a "Seinfeld" episode and a Meat Loaf song.

他的招牌口頭禪"Holy cow!" 和如同推銷員般的工作態度使他成為播報台上的傳奇,流行文化的偶像,進而在影集「歡樂單身派對」和搖滾歌手Meatloaf的歌曲中都看到他的影響力

"As a life-long Yankee fan, Phil was one of my childhood heroes," former Mayor Rudy Giuliani said. "He was also the Yankee announcer I grew up with, and it was a great privilege for me later in life to become his friend."


Rizzuto manned the broadcasting booth for 40 years, telling stories, wishing viewers happy birthday, and even leaving games after the sixth inning to make it over the George Washington Bridge and back home to New Jersey.

在Rizzuto 40年的播報生涯裡,他告訴大家許多奇聞軼事,幫球迷唱生日快樂歌.還有他最著名的習慣:怕華盛頓橋的塞車會延誤回家的時間,在第6局就提前下班.

Rizzuto, who is survived by his wife, Cora, and four children, entertained his fellow residents at the assisted-living home during his last days, his daughter said.
"He remained a Yankee," Patricia Rizzuto said. "He would walk through the facility and he would always have a 'Hi, holy cow!' for everyone.

"They loved him. They ate it up."

他的女兒Patricia 說 " 他永遠都是洋基人,他在療養院都會到處走,對每個人說 Hi, holy cow!'"

棒球給了Phil Rizzuto,(綽號Scotter)先生一段精采的生命

[ 本帖最後由 0916279173 於 2007-8-19 01:31 編輯 ]


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