1). 飛機撞擊大樓後漏出的燃油所燃燒的高溫,並不足以將鋼筋燒溶以至影響全棟大廈的結構
2). 事實上,建築歷史上的所有鋼筋大樓,並沒有一棟是因為燃燒而倒塌的。
3). 大樓倒塌的速度與裝有炸藥的拆樓解體相類似。
4). 世貿一號及二號大樓遭飛機撞擊,七號大樓並沒有遭到任何有記錄的襲擊,卻在同一天與
5). 世貿大樓群的擁有者 Larry Silverstein 於 911 襲擊前的幾個月為大樓更新99年期租約
6). 當時的紐約市長朱利阿尼迅速地將世貿殘骸當作廢物運出國外,當中有否炸藥引至的爆炸
痕跡已經不能被鑑別。 亦有論者認為是次恐佈襲擊的幕後策劃係以色列的猶太復國主義者所
1. Even though the temperature is not sufficient to melt steel, it can severely weaken the strength of the steel. I believe it weakens 50% of the strength; however, this should not cause the collapse.
2. When a skyscraper falls, it should collapse in a pancake style. However, 8 seconds & 10 seconds of collapsing time is almost as fast as free fall speed.
3. Only controlled demolition can kill a building straight down. It is obvious in any clip that the building has by synchronized to detonate right before the collapse reaches that floor.
4. The conventional reason accepted is that the shock wave the 2 buildings created when collapsing destroyed the foundation of building 7. It is said that the gold were moved either from this building or into this building temporarily.
5. Yes. The owner of the WTC renewed the insurance specifically covering acts of terrorism. Furthermore, the stock sold on Sept. 10 is 11 times higher than daily average. |