[Nikon D70s]西藏~川藏公路#01[spothuang]

spothuang_01 發表於 2007-10-8 02:13:13 [顯示全部樓層] 回覆獎勵 閱讀模式 38 5957
spothuang_01 發表於 2007-11-25 12:11
現在用canon 5d

如果是28mm/2.8 it's for APS 的ccd 大約要乘以1.5倍
所以會變成40左右 會喪失一點wide的感覺

解像力it just a term..事實上是有鏡頭之 MTF 圖當作解像的評比
跟解析度( resolution...dpi-dot per Inch)不一樣
以上是參考...any time:emo 053:

[ 本帖最後由 spothuang_01 於 2007-11-25 04:12 編輯 ]
kshark 發表於 2007-11-25 14:23
我用的28mm/2.8是個manual lens, 很舊了.  在135上是個28mm沒錯.
慘了, 剛上網逛了一下, <28mm的廣角都蠻貴的 ><.  lol
想買一個fix aperature的廣鏡, 但sigma 10-20mm 是 f4~5.6 XD ~哇.
鏡頭這玩意兒~ 真的是個無底洞 @@

解像力是line resolution喔.  thanks =)
spothuang_01 發表於 2007-11-26 00:10
像sigma 10-20mm 是 f4~5.6 就有點討厭
但是sigma 10-20mm 這隻真的賣的很好
唉...我也想要原廠鏡啊...只是貴三倍:emo 051:
kshark 發表於 2007-11-26 04:03
對呀, 沒有那microprism viewfinder真的很花時間對焦.  但我想這是經驗的關係, 很想有一天也能用manual macro lens在DSLR上瞬間對焦 =D  但還要多練幾年功呢.

我很討厭非恆定光圈 >< 不知道為什麼.  可能就像你說的, 調好zoom, 光圈變了, 再改shutter, 若不滿意又要全盤再改 XD.  但zoom lens又恆定光圈真的都很貴, 就像你說的, 更何況大光圈的更貴.  而且我發現它們的重量和大小都要比機身還重還大呢 @@"!

其實sigma 10-20mm很理想了, 但我想用在D70s和FM2n上.  sigma 10-20mm是個APS的lens ><.  唉...

你用過 nikkor 20mm/2.8D 嗎?

[ 本帖最後由 kshark 於 2007-11-25 20:05 編輯 ]
spothuang_01 發表於 2007-11-27 01:07
sigma 10-20是數位專用鏡...所以FM2n不能用...全幅機也不能用
nikkor 20mm/2.8D是不是有點不太夠廣呢...

and here's a nikkor-20mm brochure you may check it out
http://www.nikonusa.com/fileuplo ... %20Broch_061017.pdf
kshark 發表於 2007-11-27 10:39
Sorry, let me write this in english.. It takes me over to type in chinese XD.

Correct me if I am wrong, I thought 20mm/2.8D is a full-frame lens good for both manual slr and dslr.  So on a manual, like FM2n, it should be strickly 20mm, right?  But it's also 20mm on a dslr, isn't it?  Except the image would be cropped since the ccd is of a smaller size, am I correct?

I originally thought only APS lens like the Nikon DX series have to times by 1.5 to get the 135 focal measurement.  But may be I am wrong.  Can you clarify on that?  Thanks dude.

Ya, the sole reason for a 20mm is its price, size and weight.  The all the zoom-able wide, are too big and heavy, not to mention of the price ><" lol.
kshark 發表於 2007-11-27 10:48
Oops.. I am wrong.  I checked ur pdf, u are right.  20mm would be equivalent to 30mm ><~~!!!  NOOOOOO XD.

好奇怪喔, APS的CCD小於35mm, 那不是image該crop嗎?  還是連機身構架上的lens-to-sensor distance也比full-frame近呢?  hmm.. 奇怪, 但還蠻好玩的, lol.
spothuang_01 發表於 2007-11-27 11:06
right,20mm/2.8D is well suited to both manual slr and dslr and FM2n that you have as well,you may not lose any function, that's no doubt.(Nikon DX is designed for APS size dslr)...
but you can't have full size frame that you put it on dslr because of the ccd is not full size.in other words, 20mm will become 35mm
Nikon D3 is the exception, it's with in full size ccd.

secondly, sigma 10-20 is only for APS size dslr,unfortunately, you can't stick into your FM2n

by the way, i have new works here>>>
http://www.ck101.com/forums/view ... &extra=page%3D1

[ 本帖最後由 spothuang_01 於 2007-11-27 03:10 編輯 ]
kshark 發表於 2007-11-27 11:41
Do you know how the mechanism works?  Like why does the 20mm focal length, after attached to a APS ccd body, is equivalent to 30mm?  Does the ccd inside the body is placed at a different distance in a APS compared to a full-frame?

Theoretically, if everything in a camera stays the same, and the only difference between a full-frame and a APS is that of the size in the ccd, the image would only be cropped because the focused image on the ccd is bigger than that of the sensor.  So, they might have changed the entire alignment ><  hehe, to make more money on the DX version =P.

I had tried APS specific lens on a manual before.  The lens still attach, but it seems as if you are looking out a tube, because u see a rim of dark corners, even a circle while looking out the viewfinder =D.
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