
s77529 發表於 2007-10-29 19:23:53 [顯示全部樓層] 回覆獎勵 閱讀模式 3 1936
因為我要報告有關錦燒的內容.但是由來我找了很多英文網站都找不到:emo 051: .有沒有人可以幫我翻譯一下.拜托~~~
在明治時代起已經有記載文字燒的出現,不過真正的起源已經無從考稽。有說是群馬縣是發源地,也有說是月島才是發源地。不過在月島真的是很流行,甚至有一條「 」,在那裡有超過五十間文字燒的店。

[ 本帖最後由 s77529 於 2007-11-3 04:56 編輯 ]


leechoonpei 發表於 2007-11-3 05:01
我只能翻译句子啦, 那些名词就真的很抱歉了, 能取得那些名词的日文就没问题啦, 不然用拼音怪怪的

The origin of Jin Sao (不晓得英文的锦烧叫什么)is hard to study. It was said to be modified from Italy pizza. After the World War 2, Japan was in scarcity of resources, especially the people from Kwang Dao(不晓得英文的廣島叫什么, Hiroshima 吗?). They not even had the kitchen utensil and depending on the flour given by the US army daily for food. The resident mixed the flour with water to become Mian Hu(面糊也不知叫什么, 既然糊状可叫sticky吧), and adding some sliced vegetables to make grilled biscuit on hot plate in order to feed themselves. Gradually, this food became popular in Da Ban(大阪的日文不知道), and becoming the Da Ban Shao (对不起,大阪烧的英文不知道) of Guan Xi Feng (关西风的英文也不知道).

Kwang Dao Shao (廣島烧不会翻译)is the creation during the shortage of resources after the Atom Bombing in Kwang Dao (不晓得英文的廣島叫什么). The people mixed the left-over vegetables in the wok to make grilled-mixed vegetables, which looked like hot plate pie with multiple layers.

There was a record of Wen Zhi Shao (文字烧也不会翻译) during the Meiji period. However the true origin is unknowable. Some said it was originated from the district of Qun Ma (群马的日文不会翻译), but there was also saying that Yue Dao (月是moon, 岛是island, 该不会是Moon Island吧, 要请教对日本地理熟悉的人才知道英文叫什么) was the origin place. However, Yue Dao is really popular with Wen Zhi Shao. It even has a street (「 」是什么呀,阁下应该是指街吧, 街就是street),which has over fifty shop selling Wen Zhi Shao

注: "However, Yue Dao is really popular with Wen Zhi Shao. It even has a street which has over fifty shop selling Wen Zhi Shao" 这段句子我 用现代化动词 (Present tense), 因为应该是指现在吧

s77529 發表於 2007-11-3 12:56
leechoonpei 發表於 2007-11-3 16:48
犯了一个小错误, 应该是fifty shops.
漏了's" 我太粗心了:tongue:
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