麻煩翻譯高手幫我翻譯這篇報告= =

joe20 發表於 2007-12-31 12:32:53 [顯示全部樓層] 回覆獎勵 閱讀模式 6 2382

[ 本帖最後由 robert1984 於 2008-1-2 09:18 編輯 ]


shibala 發表於 2007-12-31 13:45
sooo hard to translate this....
way too hard for me :emo 051:
erich214 發表於 2007-12-31 14:20
Globalization has become the most apparent and important aspect of the world's economy in the last twenty years. The interaction of economies internationally has created major changes, from production to consumption. In addition, it has also made the market more complex than it once was. Due to the speed of technological advancements and also the trend of the free market, barriers that once constrained financial, material, information and human resources have increased the amount of international trade exponentially.

*Medium and small businesses* (中小企業不知道要怎麼翻 請自行換正確名詞) are Taiwan's industrial base; therefore, to expand Taiwan's economy is to expand and support this economic sector. This is because of their flexibility to move in and out of different markets to meet demand and supply. However, globalization has introduced more competitors and consequently forced Taiwan's businesses to seek cheaper investments in mainland China.

With the trend of globalization and the threat of market competition, especially from multi-national corporations, how can *medium and small businesses* ride the tides of opportunity and implement achievable management strategies to maximize its advantages and breakthrough the obstacles ahead?

Robert1984 : 在這邊感謝你熱心的回覆,不過本版面並不鼓勵會員幫其他會員翻譯整篇文章。

[ 本帖最後由 robert1984 於 2008-1-2 09:20 編輯 ]
pipeline 發表於 2007-12-31 15:03
中小企業 可以翻成 Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
conscience07 發表於 2007-12-31 22:47
原帖由 erich214 於 2007-12-31 14:20 發表
Globalization has become the most apparent and important aspect of the world's economy in the last twenty years. The interaction of economies internationally has created major changes, from production ...

Dear erich214

我覺得你too nice了

我誠心建議樓主 下次有報告問題 先試著寫出來 文法錯誤沒關係 一句句用字典翻譯出來
再請版上的大大們檢視 比起不勞而獲更可以學到東西啊!

新的一年 希望大家都順利健康!
erich214 發表於 2008-1-1 02:57
我也知道.. 不過我認為還好啦
如果說樓主直接抄來交的話 我想教授應該看的出來吧 =.=
畢竟我翻的版本有一點 *不一樣*  or just a bit unconventional
呵呵~ 哪裡不一樣呢? 不說 ^^

不過conscience07大大你說的不錯 自己寫  學的東西真的會比較深刻
可是當碰壁的時候 真的會讓人抓狂 (我小時候學法文的時候就會:emo 035: )

最好的方法是用這些翻譯做參考  跟自己的比較一下  看看那裡的詞或文法可改進   再題出疑問
yeahoo 發表於 2008-1-6 00:07
The globalization is in near for 20 year international economies most
reveals but the important phenomenon, the global economical
interaction relations has the enormous change, from produces to
expends the entire market the market mechanism relations also
變化多端, the market demand is fast changing. Take the liberalized
measure in abundance in the advance in technology ten thousand li in a
day and the various countries under the tidal current, the hindrance
finance, the cargo, the personnel, the information circulation bamboo
fence gradually vanishes, trade and financial commodity to
international between mobile quantity thus fast increases.
Taiwan's industry by mid- and small-scale enterprise primarily, also
is the Taiwan economy development cornerstone, has the elastic
adjustment nimble turnover market the characteristic, to promotes the
economical growth to be obvious to all. Along with the global economy
a succession of internationalization and the liberalization, Taiwan's
mid- and small-scale enterprise all faces more competitors in the home
and the foreign market, also moves towards the mainland investment in
Follows under the whole world economic integration, facing the market
competition, specially multinational corporation's offensive, how mid-
and small-scale enterprise can turn the crisis into the favourable
turn, sizes up the situation, takes a long-range approach, to seek
victory minimizes losses, the implementation practical feasible
management strategy, fully displays own superiority, can fully expose
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