i think learning is the most important thing in my life now? i'm a student,so learning is important to me. I can know a lot of things and understand these things by learning.Francis Bacon ever said that 'Knowledge is power. [and the knowledge comes by the learning] (知識就是藉由學習而得來的) so learning is the most important in my life.Once i were born until die, i always learn everyday and everywhere. Because i can not leave learning. i also say that learning is water and air. Once it leave me,i may missed a lot of things that i should know.It is namely'live and learn.'No matter now or future,learning always is the most important in my life .
my version (同樣視學習知識) 類似 自己想像 盡量不要一直重複類似的句子
the old Islamics has a old saying. they say "knowledge is key to power, wealth and ultimately success." as a human, we have been learning since the day we were born.
we are who we are because of knowledge. through time, it had taught us ethic, moral, facts, and justice. and all these leads to our achievement in life. that is why i believe knowledge is the key. |