本帖最後由 aia 於 2009-11-4 18:59 編輯
通常看到這一類的誇張"新聞", 第一個反應就是傻眼~ (將心比心... 24小時36次? =.=|||)
而且從來也沒有聽過這樣的紀錄 (雖然沒聽過不代表沒這回事 XD)
Johnny Martin Shatters Masturbation World Record!
It's official, Johnny Martin is the new king of masturbation. In a stunning feat of endurance and determination, Johnny Martin achieved 36 orgasms in a 24 hour period!
Sleeping intermittently during the 24 hour marathon, Johnny Martin remained focused and aroused by his impressive library of pornographic films. With over 400 films in his library and 3 televisions playing movies at all times, he had a continuous stream of footage to aid him in his quest.
It is apparent by the massive development of the muscles in his forearm that Johnny Martin is not your average masturbator. In an interview with UJ reporters after the record setting event, Johnny Martin was quoted as saying, "masturbation for me is a way of life. I've been training for this day since I was 13 years old and I'm happy with my performance today".
This record was formerly held by German Student, Hans Blickstein who achieved 27 orgasms in a 24 hour period. Mr. Blickstein was not available for comment.
When asked what his next world record achievement would be, Johnny Martin said "my immediate goal is to get a bag of ice and some lotion on my penis to soothe the burning".
是不是看起來像是同一則新聞哦? (只不過上述新聞的主角是強尼溤丁)
對嘛, 本來就是英文翻譯過來的...
奇怪, 怎麼沒聽過新聞有報導過呢? O_o"
別心急, 再來看看這一則新聞快報: (有沒有看見兩個新聞有同樣的 "Global Associated News" 圖案)
蝦米!!?? 甚麼時候的新聞? 為甚麼會這樣!! OMG!!! 天嫉英才啊!!!
我敬愛的dumbmotor大大 >_<" .... 我們不版眾位同仁同聲一泣懷念您... 嗚嗚嗚...
喂! 幹嘛, 看清楚啦, 這是假新聞來的啦 =.=|||
(感謝dumbmotor兄客串演出... 掌聲鼓勵鼓勵~)
沒錯, 就是假新聞, 如何才算是"假"呢?
第一, 這則新聞來自一個娛樂網站,
第二, 你可以鍵入任何人的名字.
或許事隔太久, 該站長已經沒有對他的網站進行維修(?)
就以這一則"打飛機"謠言為例, 應該是當時所提供的樣版之一,
參考: http://johnny.martin.swellserver.com/news/top_stories/worldrecord.php <------ 同一個記錄 這次才是德國的漢斯
最新的網址是 http://www.fakeawish.com/
1. 遊艇沉沒事件,
2. 掉下懸崖事件,
3. 飛機失事事件.
(小小聲 dumbmotor大大"經歷"過的事件很明顯是第二項...
網頁底部也有做出了聲明, 所有的"新聞"都是利用樣版, 然後根據用戶所輸入的名字自動產生出來的.
about this web site. (this story was dynamically generated using a generic 'template' and is not factual. Any reference to specific individuals has been 100% fabricated by web site visitors who have created fake stories by entering a name into a blank 'non-specific' template for the purpose of entertainment. For sub-domain info and additional use restrictions: FakeAWish.com)
p/s: 看來我也刷新了紀錄, 最快破案的紀錄?
dumbmotor : 是很快喔 恭喜恭喜!!! 至於是不是最快??? 嘻嘻 之前 有一個 "偵探"
連續兩次在文章一發佈的同時 就找到破解的證據了 那是社長印象當中 最快的一個
但是快不快 不是重點啦 只要證據充足 能破案的 都是最好的偵探喔!!!
倒是 會員有可能會搞不清楚第一則新聞跟下面網頁的關聯
所以社長們附上了原來的新聞出處 看一下那個 "Global Associated News" 的圖章
還有不同人破同一個記錄的新聞 哇~~~ 有沒有枉然大悟的感動啊???
嗯嗯 有就好!!! 至於社長的客串演出 真是... 開心啊 喔耶~~~
社長以後會考慮看看當個演員的 熱血勵志類社長很中意喔 哈
[ 本帖最後由 dumbmotor 於 2008-11-17 08:15 編輯 ] |