
lsc0019 發表於 2009-4-28 11:45:51 [顯示全部樓層] 回覆獎勵 閱讀模式 37 10746
xmasomnipresent 發表於 2009-11-10 16:57
美國疾病控制與預防中心(CDC, US Centers for Disease Control andPrevention)指出,豬流感疫情已提早幾個月與季節性流感高峰期同時到來,並蔓延至46州。豬流感死亡病例已超過1000。其中有400例發生在過去兩個月,其中近100名是兒童。巴西死亡病例也異常的高,達1368例。全世界確認因豬流感致死通報案例已有5382例。最近報導死亡病例增加的國家包括沙烏地阿拉伯、捷克共和國、英國及悠樂﹝越南﹞。而且預計有更多波的感染潮會在各大洲流行,第一波因傳染太快以致於在數月前就停止官方統計。同時墨西哥首府墨西哥城的醫院,因感染速度加速接近飽和的程度,衛生部長柯多瓦(Jose AngelCordova)宣稱颱風里克造成北部五州感染數增加,東北部與南部許多州正面臨急遽惡化,此情形讓人憂心。該國醫療設施不足以應付患病人數,據報導墨西哥城裡專治急性呼吸窘迫症的醫療設施已近飽和。
e48585 發表於 2009-11-17 06:40

  Nov. 3, 2009 -- H1N1新流感並不一定會很嚴重,但是當它嚴重的時候,就真的不妙了。來自加州的數據顯示,因為流感大流行而住院的患者死亡率為11%。
  這個結果是加州衛生署Janice K. Louie醫師與同事們在美國H1N1新流感大流行的前16週(4月23日至8月11日),蒐集加州醫院的資料分析而得。
  Louie醫師和同事們在最新一期美國醫學協會期刊(Journal of the American Medical Association)中指出,與一般認知不同的是,2009年A型大流感(H1N1)只有造成輕微的病情,各年齡層都有住院和死亡的案例發生,而高達30%的住院病例算是嚴重的。
  疾病管制中心(CDC)主任Thomas Frieden醫師在記者會中表示,加州的數據顯示,H1N1新流感和季節性流感一樣會致命。
  加州的數據增加了越來越多證據顯示,極度肥胖(身體質量指數或BMI 40以上)是嚴重新流感的風險因素之一。加州有將近一半的嚴重案例是肥胖的,43%的BMI在40以上。

出處: WebMD Health News
作者: Daniel DeNoon
審閱: Louise Chang
e48585 發表於 2009-11-23 00:39
作者:Janis C. Kelly  

  【24drs.com】November 10, 2009 — 新研究認為,年長者比年輕人更不容易罹患流感,但是,相較於認知正常者,失智患者死於流感的機率增加50%。此外,居住在鄉下或偏遠地區的年長失智患者,其風險更大。
  第一作者、麻州波士頓Tufts大學醫學院公共衛生與社區醫學教授Elena Naumova博士向Medscape Psychiatry表示,有鑑於全國對於新型流感病毒株的準備,針對美國越來越多的認知障礙年長者,我們的結果對於他們的流感疫苗接種、檢測與治療策略及實務,將有重要影響。
  這個三叉式研究,分析了肺炎和流感的地理及人口統計學模式,以及這些疾病與健康照護可近性的關係,結果線上登載於10月26日的美國老年醫學會期刊(Journal of the American Geriatrics Society)。
  這個觀察型研究使用美國醫療保障與醫療救助服務中心(Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services)的歷史與平均給付資料,輔以其他大型全國資料庫的資訊,對1998至2002年間、超過600萬例肺炎與流感案例進行回顧分析。
  阿茲海默氏症協會醫療與科學辦公室主任William Thies博士受邀對此研究發現發表評論時表示,雖然這些發現相當有趣而複雜,畢竟還是初步結果。
  他向Medscape Psychiatry表示,事實上,失智患者較少罹患流感可能只是因為較少和社會接觸,此一議題上似乎沒有足夠的資訊可以用來登高一呼而改變健康實務。我們需要有更多研究來充分瞭解流感、肺炎與鄉村地區醫療照護之間的關聯。
  Naumova博士與 Thies博士皆宣告沒有相關財務關係。國家過敏與感染症研究中心與國家環境健康科學研究中心資助本研究。
  J Am Geriatr Soc.s線上發表於2009年10月26日。

Elderly People With Influenza and Dementia More Likely to Die

By Janis C. Kelly
Medscape Medical News

November 10, 2009 — Elderly individuals are less likely than younger people to contract influenza, but those with dementia are 50% more likely to die from the disease compared with their cognitively intact counterparts, new research suggests.

In addition, older individuals with dementia are at even greater risk if they live in a rural or remote area.

"In light of national preparedness for novel influenza strains, our results have important implications for influenza vaccinations, testing, and treatment policies and practices that target the growing fraction of US elderly with cognitive impairment," lead author Elena Naumova, PhD, professor of public health and community medicine at Tufts University School of Medicine in Boston, Massachusetts, told Medscape Psychiatry.

The 3-pronged study, which analyzed geographic and demographic patterns of pneumonia and influenza and the relationship between these diseases and healthcare accessibility, is published online October?26 in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.

Special Attention for Rural Residents

The observational study used historical medial claims data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services supplemented with information from other large national databases to conduct a retrospective analysis of more than 6?million cases of pneumonia and influenza between 1998 and 2002.

The researchers analyzed county-specific outcomes, length of hospital stay, and percentage of deaths in hospital, as well as associations with county-specific elderly population density, percentage of nursing home residents, median household income, and rurality index.

The study showed that rural and poor counties had the highest rates of pneumonia and influenza. In addition, although elderly patients with dementia had a lower frequency of influenza diagnosis, they had a mortality rate that was 1.5-fold higher than the national average.

"Special attention should be paid to the elderly living in rural communities. Clear guidelines for hospitalizations in remote areas have to be developed and reinforced. Policymakers and healthcare administrators should carefully plan appropriate services for patients with cognitive impairment," Dr. Naumova said.

In view of the elderly population's greater vulnerability to infections such as pneumonia and influenza and susceptibility to complications, Dr. Naumova said that the findings were not entirely surprising. However, she added, the data point to some important problems with the current system.

Rapid Diagnosis "Critical"

Rapid diagnosis and treatment of influenza in elderly people is critical because delays can trigger the development of secondary pneumonia, she said. Elderly people with dementia are particularly vulnerable to complications from common respiratory infections because of difficulties in communicating their symptoms, poor oral hygiene, and swallowing problems. Socioeconomic factors may also delay prompt access to healthcare and indirectly increase the risk of complications, said Dr. Naumova.

Although a high proportion of patients with dementia are institutionalized and under supervision of healthcare personnel, rates of influenza vaccination and testing in dementia patients are unknown, she added.

"Limited access to specialized healthcare services can delay diagnosis and treatment of the flu, causing it to progress to pneumonia, the fifth leading cause of death among the elderly. This study has helped us identify this vulnerable population, and now further study is needed to confirm the findings and assess the testing and vaccination policies for older patients with dementia," she said.

Findings "Preliminary"

Commenting on the study's findings, William Thies, PhD, chief medical and scientific officer of the Alzheimer's Association, cautioned that although the findings are "interesting and complex" they are "preliminary."

"The fact that fewer people with dementia get the flu may simply reflect their restricted levels of social contact. There doesn't seem to be sufficient information on this issue to suggest a clarion call for change in health practices. We would need a significant amount of additional research to truly understand the complicated relationships between flu, pneumonia, and rural medical care delivery," he told Medscape Psychiatry.

Dr. Naumova and Dr. Thies have disclosed no relevant financial relationships. The study was funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.

J Am Geriatr Soc. Published online October 26, 2009.
e48585 發表於 2009-11-25 07:36
作者:Fran Lowry  

  【24drs.com】November 12, 2009 — 根據線上發表於11月12日The Lancet期刊的研究,H1N1流感的死亡率曲線呈現J字型,70歲以上者的死亡率風險最高。
  墨西哥市墨西哥社會安全研究中心的Santiago Echevaria-Zuna醫師等人寫道,2009年4月,墨西哥首度出現H1N1新型A型流感案例,同時有意料外的死亡案例;目前,這個疾病已經擴散到超過168個國家,我們必須繼續保持警覺,特別是社會人口結構類似墨西哥的國家,可能會有同樣的H1N1死亡率等狀況。
  編輯評論中,派駐在祕魯的美國海軍醫學研究中心特遣隊V. Alberto Laguna-Torres醫師以及祕魯San Marcos大學的Jorge Gomez Benavides醫師寫道,有關H1N1大流行知識的進化,讓醫界在面對它時建立了更好的能力。
  Lancet. 線上發表於2009年11月12日。

Elderly More Likely to Die From H1N1 Influenza

By Fran Lowry
Medscape Medical News

November 12, 2009 — Mortality rates from H1N1 influenza show a J-shaped curve, with those aged 70 years and older having the greatest risk for death, according to the results of a retrospective analysis published online November?12 in The Lancet.

"In April, 2009, the first cases of influenza A H1N1 were registered in Mexico and associated with an unexpected number of deaths," write Santiago Echevaria-Zuna, MD, from the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (Mexican Institute for Social Security), Mexico City, Mexico, and colleagues. "At present the pandemic has spread to more than 168 countries. We therefore need to stay alert — especially in countries with similar sociodemographic characteristics to Mexico, which might share conditions that could potentially contribute to H1N1 mortality."

The aim of this study was to report the timing and spread of H1N1 influenza in Mexico and investigate protective factors and risk factors for infection, severe disease, and death.

The investigators analyzed information from the influenza surveillance system from April 28 to July 31, 2009 for patients with influenza-like illness who attended clinics that were part of the Mexican Institute for Social Security network.

They found that the first large outbreak of H1N1 flu in Mexico affected the Mexico City metropolitan area, San Luis Potosi, and Zacatecas in April, and it lasted until June 6, with a peak number of cases reported on May 2.

During this first outbreak the mortality rate was high and almost all deaths occurred in the Mexico City area, where most teaching hospitals are located. This was before the population had been informed about H1N1 influenza symptoms and health services were not yet prepared for this new disease, the authors explain.

A second large outbreak occurred in southeast Mexico during June and July.

In all, 63,479 cases of influenza-like illness were reported, and 6945 (11%) cases of H1N1 were confirmed. Of these, 6407 (92%) were outpatients, 475 (7%) were admitted and survived, and 63 (<1%) died.

Young People Most Likely to Be Infected

Infection was transmitted mostly among young people, with those aged 10 to 39 years being the most affected. This age group accounted for 3922 cases (56%).

However, H1N1 affected people in the older age groups more severely. The investigators found that mortality rates showed a J-shaped curve. The greatest mortality risk was in those aged 70 years and older (10.3%). Mortality rates in other age groups were 5.7% for 60- to 69-year-olds); 4.5% for 50- to 59-year-olds); 2.7% for 40- to 49-year-olds; 2.0% for 30- to 39-year-olds; 0.9% for 20- to 29-year-olds; 0.2% for 10- to 19-year-olds; 0.3% for 1- to 9-year-olds; and 1.6% for infants younger than 1 year.

The analysis showed that fever, cough, headache, muscle aches, and rhinorrhoea were the main symptoms of H1N1 influenza. Dyspnea, tachypnea, cyanosis, and being confined to bed were prognostic factors for hospital admission and death. Patients with chronic illness had an increased risk for death; reported chronic diseases of those who died were hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and obesity.

Seasonal Influenza Vaccine Lowered Infection Risk

The authors also report that the risk for infection was lowered by 35% in those who had been vaccinated for seasonal influenza. They suggest that the seasonal vaccine, which includes H1N1 components, could have benefited the Mexican population, which has been getting the vaccine since 1977.

"The high incidence of infection in young people could show not only their different exposure related to their daily activities but also that people older than 60 years might have some immunity against the H1N1 virus," the authors write. However, they acknowledge that such possible protection is controversial.

Pregnant women accounted for 4 (6.3%) of 63 deaths. None of these women had received antiviral drugs during the first 48 hours of the onset of their symptoms and none had received influenza vaccine. "Treatment should begin immediately after onset of symptoms in this group, and vaccination during pregnancy is not contraindicated and therefore can be considered," the authors write.

Limitations of the study include provision of information sources by staff who have different training for handling H1N1 influenza infection, and incomplete data, which can occur even when the most advanced epidemiologic surveillance systems are used, the authors point out.

The authors conclude that although the H1N1 virus has spread to 168 countries, it has not reached the dimensions of the 1918 influenza pandemic, and some researchers believe that it will not, given the information on the virus available up to now. But they caution, "This pandemic might not be the one we expected; however, the virus is evolving and the threat continues."

Rapid Evolution of Knowledge

In an accompanying editorial, V. Alberto Laguna-Torres, MD, from the US Naval Medical Research Center Detachment in Lima, Peru, and Jorge Gomez Benavides, MD, from San Marcos University, in Lima, Peru, write that the rapid evolution of knowledge about the H1N1 pandemic has allowed medical groups to establish better capabilities with which to face it.

They add that the likely protection from seasonal influenza vaccine is clearer now than it was previously. "This vaccine fails to protect against the pandemic influenza virus in any age group. However, data show relative protection for people who were exposed to H1N1 strains during childhood before the 1957 pandemic."

The editorialists support the study's conclusion. "Decisions based on preliminary results and limited sources have to be made, and sometimes there is no time to wait for the pandemic to end to have stronger information," they write. "Currently, we know that the pandemic has not reached the dimensions of its predecessor in 1918, but the scientific knowledge has evolved faster than before, probably because of global and online communication."

The authors and editorialists have disclosed no relevant financial relationships.

Lancet. Published online November 12, 2009.
e48585 發表於 2009-12-2 08:00
作者:Robert Lowes  

  November 12, 2009 — 世界衛生組織(WHO)的新版H1N1流感治療指引,主張醫師們應儘快開立抗病毒藥物給流感症狀高風險族群、肺炎病患,以及那些無併發症的類流感患者,或過去72小時症狀無改善者。
  WHO全球流感計畫醫療官員Nikki Shindo醫師在記者會中表示,這個病毒可能會在一週內奪去性命。就疾病病程而言,一週的治療機會有限,須在病毒侵犯肺部之前就給予藥物。
  根據WHO指出,治療H1N1病毒的第一線抗病毒藥物為oseltamivir (Tamiflu)。如果無法取得oseltamivir、無法給予特定病患、或病毒對oseltamivir有抗藥性,該指引建議醫師使用吸入型的zanamivir(Relenza)。
  * 呼吸短促、低血氧、兒童呼吸急促或無力,可能會造成氧氣不足或心肺損傷。
  * 精神狀態改變、無意識、困倦、抽搐,可能有中樞神經系統併發症。
  * 證明有持續的病毒複製或有侵犯性的次級細菌感染。
  * 嚴重脫水、活動力下降、頭昏眼花、排尿減少、昏睡。
  疾病控制預防中心(CDC)的國家流感與呼吸道疾病中心流行病學家Anthony Fiore醫師表示,CDC並未對流感病患的追蹤照護提出類似的72小時規定,但是當局認為那些在幾天內沒有改善的病患,可能有二度感染的併發症。
  Fiore醫師向Medscape Infectious Diseases表示,我不認為WHO的建議和CDC的指定有所衝突。CDC平均每4到6週就更新抗病毒藥物的給藥建議,我們會看看WHO的指引,並根據證據基礎來發展我們的指引。
  今天,CDC國家流感與呼吸道疾病中心主任Anne Schuchat醫師在記者會中,提供了使用CDC新興感染計畫資料推估之估計H1N1案例數的更新資料。
  CDC估計,在大流行的最初6個月(2009年4月到10月17日),美國共有2,200萬人(範圍從1400-3400萬)人感染H1N1流感,其中,98,000人(範圍從63,000-153,000) 住院;3900人(範圍從2500 – 6100) 死亡。
  Emma Hitt博士撰寫此報告。  

New Guidelines on H1N1 Influenza Urge Quicker Use of Antivirals

By Robert Lowes
Medscape Medical News

November 12, 2009 — Updated treatment guidelines for H1N1 influenza from the World Health Organization (WHO) urge clinicians to administer antiviral medications as soon as possible to patients in at-risk groups with flu symptoms, patients with pneumonia, and those with uncomplicated influenza-like illness that worsens or fails to improve within 72 hours.

The reason for immediate antiviral therapy is that a mild case of H1N1 influenza can morph into a deadly disease such as pneumonia within 24 hours, according to the revised guidelines released Tuesday.

"The virus can take a life within a week," Nikki Shindo, MD, a medical officer in WHO's Global Influenza Programme, said during a press conference today. "The week of opportunity is very narrow in regard to the progression of the disease. The medicine needs to be administered before the virus destroys the lungs."

Patients in at-risk groups who should receive antivirals once they experience flu symptoms include pregnant women, children younger than 2 years, and individuals with chronic illnesses such as respiratory problems, according to Dr. Shindo.

Dr. Shindo said that earlier WHO guidelines focused on treating severe disease stemming from the H1N1 virus. The updated guidelines, she explained, have more to say about preventing severe disease, especially with the use of antiviral medications. Initial guidance about antivirals had been more conservative because WHO "had almost no experience" in regard to their effectiveness and because supplies were limited, said Dr. Shindo. Now, WHO has more data about the safety and usefulness of the medicine, and supplies are more ample.

The updated guidelines state that clinicians should not delay antiviral treatment for patients with suspected H1N1 influenza for the sake of conducting tests to confirm the diagnosis. In addition, a negative result from some rapid influenza diagnostic tests should not justify withholding antiviral therapy because these tests "miss many infections with pandemic H1N1 virus."

The first-line antiviral for treating the H1N1 virus is oseltamivir (Tamiflu), according to WHO. If oseltamivir is not available, it is not possible to administer it to a particular patient, or if the virus is resistant to oseltamivir, the guidelines recommend that clinicians use zanamivir (Relenza), which is inhaled.

To ensure easier access to treatment, public health authorities should distribute antivirals through general practitioners and not primarily through hospitals, said Dr. Shindo. "Patients should not have to visit the hospital to get antivirals prescribed," she said. "This should help ensure that individuals get the care they need faster. This will leave hospitals freer to treat the more severe cases."

Although Dr. Shindo emphasized the need for the earlier use of antivirals, she said that people not in the at-risk groups who are experiencing only mild flu symptoms do not need to take antiviral therapy. Nor should healthy individuals take it as a preventive measure.

WHO Guidelines Do Not Conflict With CDC Directives

The updated WHO guidelines specify watchful waiting for 72 hours for patients who have uncomplicated influenza-like illness and who do not have an underlying medical condition that puts them at risk. Hallmarks of progressive illness that warrant antiviral therapy include:

Shortness of breath, hypoxia, and fast or labored breathing in children, which would suggest oxygen impairment or cardiopulmonary insufficiency.
Altered mental status, unconsciousness, drowsiness, and seizures, which suggest central nervous system complications.
Evidence of sustained virus replication or invasive secondary bacterial infection.
Severe dehydration, expressed as decreased activity, dizziness, decreased urine output, and lethargy.
By necessity, this recommendation for follow-up requires patient education, Dr. Shindo said. Clinicians should instruct patients who initially present with uncomplicated influenza-like illness to return for another visit if they develop these or other symptoms of progressive illness — or do not get better — within 72 hours from the onset of symptoms, according to WHO.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have not issued any guidance on follow-up care for influenza patients that stipulates a 72-hour time frame, but the agency does advise patients who do not improve within a few days that they might have a complication like a secondary infection, said Anthony Fiore, MD, a medical epidemiologist with the CDC's National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases.

"I do not see the WHO recommendations as being in conflict [with the CDC directives]," Dr. Fiore told Medscape Infectious Diseases. CDC recommendations on administering antiviral medications are revised on average every 4 to 6 weeks, said Dr. Fiore. "We will look at the WHO guidance and the evidence base used to develop the guidance as part of [our] revision."

The updated treatment guidelines are available on the WHO Web site.

CDC Update

At a CDC press briefing today, Anne Schuchat, MD, director of the CDC's National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, provided an updated estimate of H1N1 cases using data extrapolated from the CDC’s Emerging Infections Program .

The CDC estimates that during the first 6 months of the pandemic (April through October 17, 2009), a total of 22 million people (range, 14 – 34 million) in the United States became infected with H1N1 influenza. Of these, 98,000 people (range, 63,000 to 153,000) were hospitalized; and 3900 (range, 2500 – 6100) died.

The data are also broken down by age group and highlight that fact that numbers of cases, hospitalizations, and deaths are disproportionately higher in people aged 64 years and younger than in older individuals.

These numbers will be updated every 3 to 4 weeks, she said.

Dr. Schuchat also discussed the effect of H1N1 influenza in patients with diabetes, which afflicts about 19% of adults hospitalized for H1N1. According to Dr. Schuchat, people with diabetes should be vaccinated (with the injectable vaccine not the nasal spray) against H1N1. People with diabetes who also have respiratory illness should receive antiviral therapy, which should be initiated prior to availability of test results. Patients with diabetes should also ensure that they have been vaccinated against pneumococcal infections.

To date, 41.6 million doses of H1N1 vaccine have become available. “This is more than we had before but not as much as we had hoped to have by today,” Dr. Schuchat said. Currently, 94 million doses of seasonal influenza vaccine have been distributed, with 114 million doses total expected by the end of the year.

Emma Hitt, PhD, contributed to this report.
e48585 發表於 2009-12-8 07:05
作者:Emma Hitt, PhD  

  November 19, 2009 — 根據世界衛生組織(WHO)指出,H1N1 2009年大流行流感疫苗顯然與季節性流感疫苗一樣安全。
  WHO疫苗研究計畫主任Marie-Paule Kieny在網路記者會上表示,根據目前的報告,大約10,000次預防注射才會有1件不良事件;這些不良事件報告中,100件中約有5件被認為是嚴重的。
  Kieny博士指出,目前這些嚴重不良事件包括30件死亡,以及大約12件格林巴利症候群(Guillain-Barre syndrome);但她強調,目前並沒有任何1件死亡事件被證實是疫苗造成的。除此之外,所有格林巴利症候群都是暫時的,僅有少數被證實與疫苗有關。

H1N1 Vaccine as Safe as Seasonal Vaccine, WHO Says

By Emma Hitt, PhD
Medscape Medical News

November 19, 2009 — The H1N1 2009 pandemic influenza vaccine appears to be as safe as the seasonal flu vaccine, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).</p> <p>About 1 adverse event is being reported for every 10,000 doses, said Dr. Marie-Paule Kieny, director of the WHO's Initiative for Vaccine Research, at a virtual press briefing today. Of those adverse event reports, about 5 of 100 are considered serious.</p> <p>According to Dr. Kieny, serious adverse events so far include 30 deaths and about 12 cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome; however, she emphasized that none of the deaths reported to date has been confirmed as being caused by the vaccine. In addition, all cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome have been transient, and only a few have been linked to the vaccine.</p> <p>Dr. Kieny added that there appears to be no difference between the safety profile of the seasonal and pandemic influenza vaccines, and the number of adverse events is comparable between the 2 vaccines. In addition, the safety profiles of the different forms of pandemic vaccine are also similar.</p> <p>Adverse reactions associated with the pandemic vaccine include a variety of local reactions including "pain at injection site, swelling, redness, and reactions such as fever, headache, muscle pain, or fatigue," Dr. Kieny said. "These generally resolve within 1 or 2 days."</p> <p>"No new safety issues have been identified from reports received to date," she said.</p> <p>At least 80 million doses of vaccines have been distributed and 65 million doses have been administered. "These are figures that we have received from 16 countries, but we think they are conservative estimates because immunization campaigns are under way now in 40 countries," Dr. Kieny added.</p> <p>The WHO expects to start shipment of the vaccine to developing countries at the end of this month. According to Dr. Kieny, this represents a slight delay, but they expect that all vaccine doses will reach 95 eligible countries during the next 3 months.
e48585 發表於 2009-12-17 07:10

  Dec. 7, 2009 – 新版預測認為,H1N1新流感並不像擔心的那麼嚴重,但是不可以輕忽大流行。
  哈佛研究者Marc Lipsitch博士以及英國醫學研究委員會和疾病管制中心(CDC)的研究夥伴預測,當秋冬這一波H1N1新流感結束時,並不會比一般季節性流感更嚴重。
  * 典型季節性流感的死亡與住院案例多數為年長者;H1N1新流感則多數是造成孩童與年輕人死亡或住院。
  * 季節性流感致死原因包括心臟病發作、中風與其他流感引起的致命狀況。H1N1新流感的死亡案例幾乎都是因為流感或其細菌併發症。
  * 新版預測不用機械性輔助呼吸或加護病房照護的人將多出4或5倍。
  * 如果H1N1新流感轉向年長族群,則所有預測失效。
  CDC謹慎地面對但不強調2009年H1N1新流感的嚴重度特徵。CDC的免疫與呼吸道疾病中心科學副主任Beth Bell醫師表示,新版預測和CDC的研究估計相當一致。
  紐約市法醫辦公室的James R. Gill醫師以及國家健康研究中心Jeffrey Taubenberger博士的新研究強調,H1N1新流感可能會變得致命。
  Lipsitch博士的研究登載於12月的線上版期刊PLoS Medicine。Gill醫師的研究於今日線上發表,將登載於2月的病理及實驗室醫學誌(Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine)。

出處: WebMD Health News
作者: Daniel DeNoon
審閱: Louise Chang
swift28 發表於 2011-12-11 14:00
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