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作者:Susan Jeffrey
July 31, 2009 — 一項發表於7月30日新英格蘭醫學期刊的病例報告指出,一種全新的症候群稱為天門冬氨酸-麩氨酸載體異構蛋白1(AGC1)缺陷,以腦部大腦半球整體髓鞘形成不足為特徵,這代表神經元的粒線體,將天門冬氨酸排出的能力不足,這可能妨礙正常髓鞘形成。
瑞典斯德哥爾摩Karolinska機構Karolinska大學醫院外科與分子醫學部門及先天性疾病中心的Anna Wedell醫師向Medscape神經學表示,我們發現一種新症候群以及一個新髓鞘生成不足的病例。
Mutation in AGC1 Deficiency Linked to Abnormal Myelin Formation
By Susan Jeffrey
Medscape Medical News
July 31, 2009 — A new case report in the July 30 New England Journal of Medicine unveils a novel syndrome called aspartate-glutamate carrier isoform 1 (AGC1) deficiency, characterized by global hypomyelination in the cerebral hemispheres of the brain, and suggests that impaired efflux of aspartate from the mitochondria of neurons can stymie normal myelin formation.
"We found this new syndrome and a new cause of hypomyelination," Anna Wedell, MD, PhD, from the Center for Inherited Metabolic Diseases and the department of molecular medicine and surgery at Karolinska University Hospital-Karolinska Institutet, in Stockholm, Sweden, told Medscape Neurology.
In AGC1 deficiency, "we show that the function [of AGC1] is abolished, and that causes a surprising phenotype," Dr. Wedell added. "This transporter was thought to be required for energy production in the nerve cells, but this patient teaches us that it's rather important for the adjacent oligodendrocytes to make myelin."
Their case report appears in the July 30 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine.
Delayed Development
The case described is of a 3-year-old girl, the first-born child of distantly related Swedish parents. Delivery was uncomplicated, and development was normal for the child until about 5 months of age, when she began showing delayed psychomotor development. Seizures began at 7 months, and as of her last exam at 3 years, 8 months, she has had essentially no further progress in psychomotor development, the authors note. Plasma levels of glutamate and aspartate were within the normal range.
"The patient cannot sit without support, crawl, or be pulled to a standing position," they write. "Severe spasticity has developed, with generalized hyperreflexia. The epilepsy is treated with carbamazepine and levetiracetam."
Dr. Wedell and colleagues followed the child over time, with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) done at 8 months, 16 months, and 2 years 9 months of age, and saw a global lack of myelination in the cerebral hemispheres, with reduced supratentorial cerebral volume. However, the gray matter was relatively spared, and the basal ganglia and brainstem relatively unaffected.
Genetically, the child was found to have a homozygous missense mutation in the solute carrier family 25, member 12, gene SLC25A12, which encodes the AGC1 protein. Functional analysis of this mutant version of AGC1 showed its activity was abolished.
Mitochondrial AGC1 is specific to neurons and muscle and supplies aspartate to the cytosol, the authors note. As a component of the malate-asparate shuttle, it enables the mitochondrial oxidation of cystolic NADH, which is thought to be important in providing energy to neurons in the central nervous system (CNS), they write. The hypomyelination in this case, however, suggests that impairment of the efflux of aspartate from neuronal mitochondria prevents the normal formation of myelin.
"There's only 1 patient, but this has been supported by a knockout mouse that has been reported previously, so going back to that mouse, we can clarify those molecular details," Dr. Wedell said. "It's 1 additional diagnosis to consider in these children who have a very severe leukoencephalopathy, but also it sheds light on the biochemistry."
Link to Autism?
Another reason their findings are interesting is that this gene that encodes the mutant AGC1 protein has been shown to be associated with autism, Dr. Wedell said.
"There are both association studies in patients and controls and linkage studies in families with autism that have landed on this gene, and for that reason it's of course very important to know what this protein does normally in the CNS, and that we can learn from this syndrome," she said. "So in that context, it's of more general importance."
When the association with AGC1 was found in autism, she said, "it was assumed that it was due to impaired energy production that you get the autistic component, but this could indicate that maybe that's not correct. Maybe it has to do with suboptimal myelin formation, and that's a very different mechanism. It's quite exciting."
The study is supported by grants from the Swedish Research Council, the Karolinska Institutet, the Stockholm County Council, the Ministero dell'Universita e della Ricerca, the Italian Human ProteomeNet, and Apulia Region Neurobiotech. The authors report no conflict of interest.
N Engl J Med. 2009;361:489-495. |