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作者:Pauline Anderson
August 27, 2009 —一篇族群基礎研究認為,原發性顫抖症(essential tremor,ET)的年長病患,發生失智症的比率是那些沒有ET者的將近兩倍。此外,研究也顯示,ET與發生失智風險增加大約60%有關。
第一作者、紐約市哥倫比亞大學的Elan D. Louis醫師向Medscape Psychiatry表示,這些研究結果指出,ET病患的失智症發生率遠超過在老年病患預期會發生的比率。
為了確認原本的ET是否與失智症的盛行率和發生率有關,研究者針對納入「Washington/Hamilton Heights and Inwood Aging Project」這項計畫的2,285名65歲以上白人、黑人、西班牙病患進行研究,這些研究對象的平均年紀是77.6歲。
研究者不知道顫抖狀況,使用醫療病歷、檢驗、神經生理檢查、神經檢查等判定失智診斷。排除巴金森氏症(Parkinson's disease,PD)病患。
2,285名研究對象中,124名(5.4%)有ET。229名(10.0%)病患有失智,452名(19.8%)病患有輕微認知不良(mild cognitive impairment,MCI)。
124名ET病患中,31名(25.0%)病患有失智,2161名控制組病患中,198名(9.2%)病患有失智。校正模式中,ET與失智症有關,勝算比為3.31 (95%信心區間[CI]) 2.15 – 5.09;P < .01)。校正年紀、教育、種族之後,勝算比為1.84 (95% CI,1.13 – 2.98;P = .01)。
明尼蘇達州梅約診所神經科教授David Knopman醫師表示,該研究表現出一個很有趣且須嚴肅面對的新觀察。
Louis醫師宣告他接受國家健康研究中心與巴金森氏症基金會的研究支持。Nicole Schupf 醫師擔任Elan Pharmaceuticals藥廠的文獻回顧顧問,也接受國家健康研究中心和阿滋海默氏症協會的研究支持。Sujata P. Thawani醫師宣告沒有相關財務關係。
Essential Tremor May Raise Dementia Risk
By Pauline Anderson
Medscape Medical News
August 27, 2009 — Older patients with essential tremor (ET) are almost twice as likely to have dementia compared with their counterparts without ET, a population-based study suggests. In addition, the research also shows that ET is associated with about a 60% increased risk of developing dementia.
These results indicate that the prevalence of dementia among patients with ET is "above and beyond" what is expected by chance in aging patients, lead author Elan D. Louis, MD, from Columbia University, New York City, told Medscape Psychiatry.
The study findings also suggest that physicians should discuss cognitive issues and possibly treatment options with their ET patients, said Dr. Louis.
"These results are helpful in validating that these patients are indeed having a cognitive problem — that it's not just usual aging. Doctors should be aware that this can occur and that it can open the door for treating patients," said Dr. Louis.
The study is published in the August 25 issue of Neurology.
Common Condition
ET is common among those older than 80 years, affecting between 10% and 20% of this population. According to the study, mild cognitive deficits have been reported in patients with ET.
In addition, an association between ET and dementia has been reported in a single population-based study in Spain. However, the researchers note, this has not been confirmed elsewhere.
To determine whether baseline ET is linked with prevalent and incident dementia, the investigators studied 2285 white, black, and Hispanic patients aged 65 years and older enrolled in the Washington/Hamilton Heights and Inwood Aging Project. The mean age of the participants in this sample was 77.6 years.
Participants were assessed for depressive and neurological symptoms at baseline, and again every 18 months. To determine the presence of ET, the researchers used various handwriting tests and independent analyses by a neurologist.
To arrive at a diagnosis of dementia, investigators, who were blinded to tremor ratings, used medical charts, laboratory studies, neuropsychological tests, and neurological examinations. Patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) were excluded.
No Link Between ET and MCI
Of the 2285 study subjects, 124 (5.4%) had ET. There were 229 (10.0%) patients with dementia and 452 (19.8%) with mild cognitive impairment (MCI).
Of the 124 patients with ET, 31 (25.0%) had dementia compared with 198 (9.2%) of 2161 control patients. In an unadjusted model, ET was associated with dementia with an odds ratio of 3.31 (95% confidence interval [CI], 2.15 – 5.09; P < .01). After adjusting for age, education, and ethnicity, the odds ratio was 1.84 (95% CI, 1.13 – 2.98; P = .01).
After excluding cases of MCI, the adjusted odds ratio was 1.84, and after excluding patients with depression, the adjusted odds ratio was 2.10. The association also held up after adjustment for medications and APOE-e4 gene status.
The authors also performed a prospective analysis. After excluding patients with baseline dementia, leaving 93 patients with ET and 1963 control patients, adjusted analyses revealed that ET was associated with more than a 1.5-fold increased risk for dementia after a mean follow-up of 3.8 years.
"It is thought that in PD, having one neurodegenerative condition predisposes you to having a second one, and I think it's the same in ET," said Dr. Louis.
However, ET was not associated with increased risk of developing MCI, a finding that seems surprising given that many patients with MCI eventually develop dementia. According to the authors, it is unclear why the study did not find an association between ET and MCI.
Catching Up to PD
This study mirrors previous research linking PD with dementia. "Right now, with ET, we are where we were with PD about 30 or 40 years ago, when patients would go to the doctor and say they had problems with cognition and they would be told, 'you're just getting older,' " said Dr. Louis. "That is a somewhat dismissive way to deal with these issues — there's no attempt to deal with these issues as possibly disease-related."
Today, he said, there is a clear recognition that there are cognitive problems and frank dementia in PD. However, this is not yet the case with ET. Specialists are resistant to the notion that there is a link between ET and cognitive deficits, including dementia, said Dr. Louis. Many believe that because both ET and dementia are common in the aging population, it is not surprising that elderly people would have both conditions, he said.
"There are still some neurologists and movement disorder specialists who cling to the now antiquated notion that ET is just a disease of the motor system," said Dr. Louis.
Finding Needs To Be Taken Seriously
David Knopman, MD, professor of neurology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, said the study represents "a very interesting and novel observation" that "needs to be taken seriously."
However, he said he does not know why there is an increased risk for dementia among ET patients. "There's no reason I know of right at the moment as to why this would occur. There's not an obvious biological explanation which certainly doesn't mean that it's not true."
He noted that the study did not include younger patients who also get ET. "They didn't look at whether ET in midlife has any predictive value, and I'm afraid that's going to get lost in the shuffle here."
Dr. Louis has disclosed that he receives research support from the National Institutes of Health and the Parkinson's Disease Foundation. Dr. Nicole Schupf serves as consultant on literature review for Elan Pharmaceuticals and receives research support from the National Institutes of Health and the Alzheimer's Association. Dr. Sujata P. Thawani has disclosed no relevant financial relationships.
Neurology. 2009;73:621–625. |