本帖最後由 vert 於 2010-3-5 17:12 編輯
這篇跟什麼國籍無關吧 美國人口普查是要你填寫什麼種族吧!! 話說台灣還有原住民 外籍新娘混血滴呢!! 除非你家通婚都是跟中國那麼寫CHINESE AMERICAN無可厚非!! 不過別讓人誤以為是從中華人民共和國移民過去就好^^ I ...
zzz660480 發表於 2010-3-5 14:16
map of the distribution of human races by Thomas Huxley, roughly drawn by me from On the Geographical Distribution of the Chief Modifications of Mankind, Journal of the Ethnological Society of London (1870) [1]
1: Bushmen
2: Negroes
3: Negritoes
4: Melanochroi
5: Australoids
6: Xanthochroi
7: Polynesians
8: Mongoloids A
8: Mongoloids B
8: Mongoloids C
9: Esquimaux
粗略的種族分布就是這樣了。請幫我們歸類一下所謂的“Taiwanese” 人種到地是歸于哪個大分類的?
Conceptions of race, as well as specific ways of grouping races, vary by culture and over time, and are often controversial for scientific as well as social and political reasons. The controversy ultimately revolves around whether or not the socially constructed and perpetuated beliefs regarding race are biologically warranted, and the degree to which differences in ability and achievement are a product of inherited "racial"
這段話倒是給了個可以接受的解釋. 說到底"Taiwanese"只能是個政治種族, 完全是意識形態上的. 并且.......不被世界上大多數國家所認知...... |