
Dagsoso 2012-10-2 10:50:00 發表於 人物訐譙 [顯示全部樓層] 只看大圖 回覆獎勵 閱讀模式 720 130568
zo2 發表於 2012-10-2 14:51
說說还行 別當一回事
acst 發表於 2012-10-2 14:59
Before I comment, I am not supportive of any party because they are all the same in my perspective.

Personally, it is really sad this situation where the salary for graduates from university has happened... there are way more issues to consider here than the people who writes this post because they haven't considered the history and the broader envionment.

First of all, why can everyone go to university now? if people go, they have heavier debt and corporation don't want to hire people who aren't from good university. And this causes a cycle of people getting poorer. So its not the corporations don't want to pay more its because the quality of people from universities are just not to the right standards.

Secondly, if the minimum wage were to increase, then this will definitely cause inflation which means corporations will increase their price on goods and services and this will be never ending... your purchasing power to buy bread and milk will still be the same.

Thirdly, every politician lies, can we say who hasn't lied? Its already a culture embedded in our current system in which I am really disgusted however Taiwanese people like myself have no choice but to choose between two bad apples.

Fourthly, my perspective for ex-president Chen being able to get medical help is ok but under heavy surveillance is absolutely right and his family should pay the price.. probably not the grandsons and grand daughters but these grand sons and daughters should not get the right to hold on to that dirty money. Someone commited a crime and he is therefore considered the same as everyone else. If we treat them differently, there will DEFINITELY be another Chen president money laundering happen again.. and again... and again.. making Taiwan poorer!

Thanks to the author for the post and it is good to spark a conversation of this kind and try to awake the people who have voting rights.
夕阳月幕 發表於 2012-10-2 15:00
XiaoChunDan 發表於 2012-10-2 14:29
但這樣講別說是中國,台灣大概也不 ...

karshi1101 發表於 2012-10-2 15:04
我想馬先生 唯一讓我感到 真的是政績的 只有今天公布的 美國免簽 其他 除了穿三角褲 跑步 游泳 我不知道他還做了些啥?
banbers 發表於 2012-10-2 15:04

fox5 發表於 2012-10-2 15:10
感謝大大 讓我想起悲哀的歷史 想當年我是用心的吶喊 朝向光明的未來 如今只有吞壩內
健忘的你我 只會重複相同的錯誤 再來一次 何時才能結束 被當白癡的對待
afmu6703 發表於 2012-10-2 15:13

cosinplay 發表於 2012-10-2 15:14


yourloves 發表於 2012-10-2 15:14
Fuckma 發表於 2012-10-2 15:16
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