軍校校友會 老兵嘆投錯人

kinhwa 2012-11-11 14:54:47 發表於 觀點討論 [顯示全部樓層] 回覆獎勵 閱讀模式 99 4925
feiquejushi 發表於 2012-11-14 03:11
ber8520 發表於 2012-11-14 03:39

lyc123 發表於 2012-11-14 16:10
cjghuang 發表於 2012-11-13 19:19
seriously, i think "poor" old vets deserves to have some pay out
however government should do a pr ...

yup... I agree... I don't know how can the government manage this though @_@ Even in the States, I see many wealthy people getting financial aid... it's just difficult to track or figure out who's really poor @_@
cjghuang 發表於 2012-11-14 21:44
Forfeit 發表於 2012-11-13 23:43
"Dude" is 1949 still part of 40s? I think so.

bk in 1949, KMT still fighting the communist in china and finally chiang kai-shek moved to taiwan in december 1949
in 1945 KMT already know they will lose to communist so instead of doing what Allies has previously agreed which is to liberate Taiwan like other colonial countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam etc. Then KMT sent chen yi to Taiwan initially to accept Japs surrender and deport them to Japan (as commands from Allies), and then assist Taiwanese people to restore in order and assist taiwan to form its own government. However cos the war in china is crapping up chiang kai shek commanded chen yi to kill those tw ppl. gee dude its history.
later chiang kai shek blame everything on chen yi and executed him.

and ofcos the big dude (USA) in Allies had to let KMT occupy tw cos straight after WWII it comes cold war, USA hates commies guts and having Taiwan being one of their Allies for sure with already established military force is better than a new government with nothing and the civilians loves jap asses

in war strategy location, taiwan can control japan, korea, china, phillipines

so ye, KMT fought the commies, and seriously dude, have u ever talk to any of the old vets?
bunch of my uncle grandpas like that, says chinese should all reunite, and i asked them if they believe we can attack back? lol
guess what they have said? we can surrender~ its not like they will kill us, we are all chinese and commies are not commies anymore.
so here u go, the old vets. they really love tw? or love china? they are even in doubt in being loyal to KMT.

and a very simple thing, i assume u live outside of tw, when ppl ask u where u from, do u say taiwan or china?
cjghuang 發表於 2012-11-14 21:48
lyc123 發表於 2012-11-14 16:10
yup... I agree... I don't know how can the government manage this though @_@ Even in the States, I ...

seriously.... majority of the old vets they all pretty rich...
compare to those oldies that wasnt part of gov workers: teachers/officials/military etc
and other oldies have they not contribute anything to this country?
say old peasants, fruit farmers, fishermen, construction workers etc
i am pretty sure anyone of different careers all have contributed to this country, who ever paid tax did lol
i probably havent, since i dun live there and pay tax
spmn999 發表於 2012-11-14 22:01

Forfeit 發表於 2012-11-14 22:44
cjghuang 發表於 2012-11-14 21:44
bk in 1949, KMT still fighting the communist in china and finally chiang kai-shek moved to taiwan  ...

so ye, KMT fought the commies, and seriously dude, have u ever talk to any of the old vets?
bunch of my uncle grandpas like that, says chinese should all reunite, and i asked them if they believe we can attack back? lol
guess what they have said? we can surrender~ its not like they will kill us, we are all chinese and commies are not commies anymore.
so here u go, the old vets. they really love tw? or love china? they are even in doubt in being loyal to KMT.

and a very simple thing, i assume u live outside of tw, when ppl ask u where u from, do u say taiwan or china?

I understand where you're coming from, but you're making a couple mistakes here. You're uncle grandpas and my grandpas of that generation are the same. They don't see that China and Taiwan as a separate entity culturally, and there's nothing wrong with that. It's also questionable to take the views of senile people very seriously, and it's even more wrong to generalize it to the general population. I can tell you, my grandpas never said the words "surrender" when I asked them the same question. What they are trying to express is not "surrendering" to China, but the unison of a race that's been troubled by civil war for the past century. Now tell me what's so ridiculous about their stance in the Taiwan-China issue? Anyways of looking at that you can say old vets have peaceful intentions.  In our generation, we view Taiwan and China independent from each other is none - other than political and social reasons. However, the big picture is the same, our culture is Chinese culture.

As for KMT killing people in Taiwan, you have to realize a couple things. Before KMT came Taiwan was a colony, anyone from that generation would have told you, only the elites of the elites like President Lee Deng Hui would have gotten a chance at a better education. The Taiwanese people were not treated as citizens with actual rights.

One of the first thing that KMT did when they came was land reformation. They redivided the land from the comparatively rich to the farmers. That caused major grief to the Taiwanese, but it did bring better social benefits to farmers. It's also interesting to note when the KMT came, they weren't exactly knights in shining armor: they were a defeated army consists of  poor and lowly educated people. The Taiwanese people weren't happy with the KMT and so they rioted. The KMT were scared of potential rebellion and so they killed, and started decades of martial law afterwards.

What I want to say is this: The coming of KMT weren't the happiest part of the history, but they did bring better reforms, and most importantly citizenship rights and privileges. Is it better to live as second rated colonized people, or
as actual citizens? You tell me.

The old vets doesn't love Taiwan or China, they just love "Chinese" as a cultural entity as a whole.

For your information when someone asks me where did I come from? I always answered I am Chinese, but I come from Taiwan. Have you ever thought about how we use the word Taiwan or Taiwanese? The way we use it is not because Taiwan or Taiwanese has any actual meaning, what we're really saying is we are NOT Chinese.
maik 發表於 2012-11-17 20:07
k75g 發表於 2012-11-17 20:11
jeffy65 發表於 2012-11-18 00:40
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