XYLØ - Afterlife

smily2143 2015-8-6 00:13:16 發表於 音樂 [顯示全部樓層] 回覆獎勵 閱讀模式 7 1183


I’m bad luck baby
You know,
Follows me around everywhere I go, and
I don’t need your sympathy, no
I need a fuckin’ miracle, oh

Red wine teeth stain
It’s been a long day
I just want your love not your money
Leave me here I'll be fine
I’ll wait for the stars to align, ‘cause

Ohh how the other half live
With their perfect skin
And oh, how I’ll never be never be
Just like them, so

I, I, I’m waiting for the afterlife
To show me a good time baby, somebody save me
I just wanna be loved
I, I, I’m waiting for the afterlife
To show me a good time baby, somebody save me
I just wanna be loved

Don’t watch TV no more
The news fuckin’ scares me
New world war, and
I don’t wanna run away, no
I need a fuckin’ holiday, so

Badblood bankrupt out of love and luck
I’ll get the keys to your Mercialago
Another drink will see me through
Feeling invincible, so

Ohh how the other half live
With their perfect teeth, and
Oh how I’ll never be never be
Just like them, so

I, I, I’m waiting for the afterlife
To show me a good time baby, somebody save me
I just wanna be loved
I, I, I’m waiting for the afterlife
To show me a good time baby, somebody save me
I just wanna be loved

We’re still young, but
We got older
We don’t believe everything that were told, yeah
We just love we just wanna be loved

We’re still young, but
We got older
We don’t believe everything that were told, yeah
We just wanna love, we just wanna be loved, so

I, I, I’m waiting for the afterlife
To show me a good time baby, somebody save me
I just wanna be loved
I, I, I’m waiting for the afterlife
To show me a good time baby, somebody save me
I just wanna be loved


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