1. Accommodation: Where do you stay?
2. Action taken: What action did you take?
3. activity at that time: What were the activities?
4. activities done during the summer holiday : What were the activities during the
summer holiday?
5. Activities done in Taiwan : What did you do in Taiwan?
6. address of shop : Where is the shop?
7. advantages of using the ATM card : What are the advantages of using the ATM card?
8 Advice on action : Do you have any advice on action?
9. advice on marriage : Do you have any advice on marriage?
10 age group of customers: What is the age group of customers?
11. amount of money you usually spend : How much do you usually spend?
12. bad things about being in Taiwan : What the bad things about being in Taiwan?
13 bad things about work : What are the bad things about work?
14. best way to do this : What is the best way to do this?
15 biggest problem faced : What is the biggest problem you face?
16 biggest problem so far : What is the biggest problem so far?
17 book just read : What book have you just read?
18 budget of the show : What is the budget of the show?
19 changes noticed recently : What are the changes you've noticed recently?
20 cleanliness of building: Is the building clean?
21 climate of Hong Kong : What is the climate of Hong Kong?
22 collection of old records : Do you have any collections of old records?
23 colour of your car : What is the colour of your car?
24 common interests : What are the common interest?
25 complaints about service : Do you have any complaints about the service?
26 cost of an item : How much is it?
27 country of birth : Where were you born?
28 criticism received : What criticism did you receive?
29date of application : What is the date of application?
30 date of birth : When were you born?
31 date of the event : What is the date of the event?
32 deadline of application : What is the deadline of the application?
33 description of lost luggage : Can you describe the lost luggage?
34 description of work: Can you describe the work?
35 description of items : Can you describe the items?
36 design like best : Which design do you like best?
37 destination : Where is the destination?
38 differences between the two cultures : What are the differences between the two
39 disadvantages of work : What are the disadvantages of work?
40 distance from Post Office : How far is it from the Post Office?
41 duties / responsibilities of a fireman : What are the duties / responsibilities of a fireman?
42 education level of workers: What is the education level of the workers?
43 effectiveness of the new system: How effective is the new system?
44 effects of lack of rest: What are the effects of a lack of rest?
45 effects of pollution: What are the effects of pollution?
46 effects of pollution on health: What are the effects of pollution on health?
47 equipment needed for work: What is the equipment needed for work?
48 expenditure on the trip : What is the expenditure on the trip?
49 expiry date of passport : What is the expiry date of your passport?
50 famous singer interviewed : Which famous singer did you interview?
[ Last edited by 水藍 on 2005-4-22 at 10:34 PM ] |