
su_sin_min 2016-7-9 10:20:55 發表於 音樂 [顯示全部樓層] 回覆獎勵 閱讀模式 1 872

最近重新回味周董的夜曲 讓我回憶起學生時期其中一段百感交集的日子

這首歌曾經陪伴我度過不少日子 後來找到純粹音樂版本 感覺還不錯聽

推薦給各位也聽看看 其實就這首歌來說 光聽音樂就很不錯聽了 謝謝


第二首歌是一個女生翻唱夜曲英文版 雖然沒有原曲的味道了 不過也很有創意

還是不錯聽的 謝謝
愛一個人 不一定要擁有
擁有一個人 卻一定要好好愛她


QQ0319 發表於 2016-7-11 14:45
找了好久才找到歌詞....XDDD  順便分享給大家!

I understand this
How it happen
Sun and moonlight
Feel like the same
Dropping by the lake
Lying down there
We’re not gonna go back into the past time
Feeling not good
Like I’m sapless
Rather be blind
Shut my shells down
Wanna fade out
To forget all
Then I can say I don’t love you anymore
And it sounds like the wind becomes the storm
And it sounds like the sky begins to fall
And I tried to take it but lost them all
You’re just standing there, you don’t care at all
Then I cracked my heart again for you
Then I threw my heart away from you
Can’t fix it
Can’t stop it
Can’t change it

Tell me how to make myself believe
In the stories that don’t have you take the lead oh…
(When the sun is about to disappear with me)
We don’t have enough memories
Holding back my tears so I can try to leave oh…
(When the moon is about to disappear with me)
(I still remember that night we spent together
A little bit cold and wet
Everything I could see was so beautiful
The shining stars, the moonlight, and the girl in your eyes)

I never doubt this
Why it happened
Whether or not
No differences
Let myself out
Figure it out
How does the flashing star burn itself out
Ticking down now
Take your name off
Change the ringtone
Like the rock song
Wanna get out
Somewhere peaceful
Then I’ll be good without feeling sorrow
And it seems like the storm will soon be gone
And it seems like the sun will soon be found
I was dancing here and I turned them on
You were standing there, just felt like numb
So I cracked my heart again for you
So I threw my heart away from you
Can’t fix it
Can’t stop it
Can’t change it

Tell me how to make yourself relive
Coz' the stories that don’t need you take the lead oh…
(When you’re gone you destroyed the half of me)
We don’t have enough memories
Holding back my tears so I do wanna leave oh…
(When I’m gone I left you the half of me)
(I used to hate you so much, you know
But now I’m learning to forget
Hope that one day I can say to your face
That I don’t care about you anymore
I don’t care about you any more…
I don’t love you… anymore…)

Tell me how to make myself relieve
How to pull myself outta those memories oh…
(When you’re gone you destroyed the half of me)
We’ve been through a lot of misery
Holding back my tears so I can try to lead oh…)
(When I’m gone I left you the half of me)

It wouldn’t be a sad song
Singing for worn heart alone
I saw a piece of light was breaking out
It is not a sad song
Playing when I get home
Until the darkness clears before the dawn
(It wouldn’t be a sad song
Singing for worn heart alone)

Tell me how to make myself relieve
(I saw a piece of light was breaking out)
How to put on a new face so I can try to leave
(It is not a sad song
Playing when I get home)
We’ve been dawning in a lot of misery
(Until the darkness clears before the dawn)
Getting back on my feet so I can try to lead
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