亞瑟小子 Usher / 無極限 No Limit (HD中字MV)新歌

夢昕語 2016-9-16 00:07:48 發表於 音樂 [顯示全部樓層] 回覆獎勵 閱讀模式 0 1198
亞瑟小子 Usher / 無極限 No Limit (HD中字MV)新歌

傲視樂壇 王者再臨
亞瑟小子 睽違四年最新大碟 愛難求 9/20 全台發行

◎ 8座葛萊美獎、7座全美音樂獎、20座告示牌音樂獎至尊肯定、全球6500萬張專輯銷量,流行天王睽違四年最新大碟
◎ 以節奏藍調回歸本我,打造性感多情最潮都會情歌
◎ 收錄節奏藍調/嘻哈點播榜NO.5主打〈No Limit〉、以眩目舞步引領潮拍的〈Crash〉及饒舌全才Future助陣〈Rivals〉
◎ 加收參與演出電影「光榮擂台Hands Of Stone」主題曲〈Champions〉
◎ 內附亞瑟小子魅力海報一張,數量有限送完為止

王者風範,再度降臨;能歌善舞,大顯神威!拿下包括8座葛萊美、8座全美音樂、9座靈魂列車在內,多達170座獎項肯定。以16歲年紀推出首張同名專輯《Usher》驚豔歌壇、1997年深具都會街頭風格的《走自己的路My Way》,2001年性感多情的成熟作《8701》、2004年千萬銷量的巔峰經典《愛的告白Confessions》、2008年充滿初為人父喜悅與感動之《王者天下Here I Stand》、2010年征服全球夜店的《頂尖對決Raymond v. Raymond》、完美融合多元概念的《唯我獨尊Looking 4 Myself》,一共送出7張個人大碟,寫下連續4張空降冠軍紀錄,突破全球6500萬張銷售關卡,佔據告示牌雜誌「2000年代百大熱門榜」之首藝人,交出美國流行榜9首冠軍+18首TOP10單曲的亮眼成績單。傲視樂壇的21世紀天王,亞瑟小子勇於突破自我,展現領導潮流的鮮明企圖心!

早在2014年即已動工策畫第8張新輯《Hard II Love》,耗時長達2年時間錄製,相較《唯我獨尊Looking 4 Myself》更具都會氣息,著墨男女情愛層面,擺脫時下流行跟風,做出發自心底的聲音,回歸亞瑟小子的本性真我,將影響至深的節奏藍調聲韻發揮極致。一次偕同Brandon "B.A.M." Hodge(克里斯小子、尼歐)+Rock City(蕾哈娜、妮姬米娜)+Pop & Oak(布蘭妮、艾莉西亞凱斯)+Fisticuffs(馬吉爾、潔妮愛子)等多位製作高手/團隊齊力操盤,連袂搜尋屬於亞瑟小子相契合之音。首推主打〈No Limit〉,邀請入圍4次BET音樂獎的奇才Young Thug饒舌助陣,搶下節奏藍調/嘻哈點播榜第5名;〈Bump〉和〈Let Me〉,亞瑟小子秀上饒舌的技藝,同時灌滿迷人演唱聲調;灑下電子舞動旋律,第二波攻勢〈Crash〉率先挺入澳洲榜前10強,南岸饒舌犀利全才小子Future站台中版情歌小品〈Rivals〉,一首接一首的傑作在在證明亞瑟小子不敗天王的地位!

轉貼 歌詞:
[Hook: Usher]
Make you say uh, no limit
Got that Master P, no limit baby
Give you that black card, no limit
Just know when you roll with a nigga like me
There’s no limit baby
Make you say uh, no limit
I C murmur Murder that, no limit baby
Give you that ghetto D girl, no limit
Just know when you roll with a nigga like me
There’s no limit baby

[Verse 1: Usher]
You know you fine, baby you know that you fine
I’m just tryna make you mine
Tryna make you mine, yeah I’m tryna make you mine
Put a tingle in your spine
We got to vibe, we got a wave
You should ride on it
All the places I could take
You, girl is limitless
So if you never been
Girl I would just love to take you there
You don’t have to worry ‘bout a thing
I got it, let me show you better than
[Pre-Hook: Usher]
‘Cause I may not know you, just let me hold you
You be my soldier, and you from the ‘Nolia

[Hook: Usher]
Make you say uh, no limit
Got that Master P, no limit baby
Give you that black card, no limit
Just know when you roll with a nigga like me
There’s no limit baby
Make you say uh, no limit
I C murmur Murder that, no limit baby
Give you that ghetto D girl, no limit
Just know when you roll with a nigga like me
There’s no limit baby

[Verse 2: Usher]
Cars on decline, baby the cars on decline
You roll with me, you miss shine
Baby we shine, yeah lil mama we shine
Just pick a destination
Go ‘head show me you can get like everything
Show me like any car, any house
Baby you can get like any ring, anything
You knock it, knock it down
All through the night, all through the day yeah
I knock that pussy out
Baby you call me Sugar Ray yeah

[Pre-Hook: Usher]
‘Cause I may not know you, just let me hold you
You be my soldier, and you from the ‘Nolia

[Hook: Usher]
Make you say uh, no limit
Got that Master P, no limit baby
Give you that black card, no limit
Just know when you roll with a nigga like me
There’s no limit baby
Make you say uh, no limit
I C murmur Murder that, no limit baby
Give you that ghetto D girl, no limit
Just know when you roll with a nigga like me
There’s no limit baby

[Verse 3: Young Thug]
You finer than wine, baby girl I ain’t lying
Make my homie drop a dime
Commit a crime, jeopardize my lifeline
Just to see your vital signs
Ain’t no limit, babe we do it larger
Ain’t no limit babe when you a starter
MARTA outsmart the Rari, Rari
Fill the session with Bacardi Barbies
Kerosene, kerosene
Promise spin, washing machine
Thin waisted primadonna
Never limit, I’m a stunner
Tinted out, them never rentals
Fuck them boys, they all beginners
Prolly seen and wrecked 'em
I’ma spend my night with ‘dem
I could put karats all over you
Karats all over you
Never mind, we only poppin’ shit
Man I been getting high with these fools
And she said all her friends fake, so she solo rocking
And she a real bad bad bitch, she ain’t gotta Photoshop it

[Hook: Usher]
Uh, no limit
I C murmur Murder that, no limit baby
Give you that ghetto D girl, no limit
Just know when you roll with a nigga like me
There’s no limit baby
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