Vanessa Carlton - A Thousand Miles

VEGASIRIUSVEGA 2016-12-11 15:33:44 發表於 音樂 [顯示全部樓層] 回覆獎勵 閱讀模式 0 2559

A Thousand Miles 千里迢迢

Making my way down town 循著小路往市中心走去
Walking fast 腳步開始輕盈
Faces pass 街上人來人往
And I'm home bound 我往家走去

Staring blankly ahead 全心全意的往前
Just making my way 只為了找到一條路
Making a way through the crowd 一條穿過人群的路

And I need you 我需要你
And I miss you 我想念你

And now I wonder if I could fall into the sky 我現在想如果我能飛在天空
Do you think time would pass me by 你是否想和我共度這段時光
Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles 你可知道我想走過這千里迢迢
If I could just see you... tonight 只為了見你......在今晚

It's always times like these 一切就如往常
When I think of you 當我在想你
And I wonder if you ever think of me 我也希望你在想我

Cause everything's so wrong 這一切都是個錯誤
And I don't belong living in your precious memory 然而我並不存在你的美麗記憶裡

Cause I need you 因為我需要你
And I miss you 我想念你

And now I wonder if I could fall into the sky 我現在想如果我能飛在天空
Do you think time would pass me by 你是否想和我共度這段時光
Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles 你可知道我想走過這千里迢迢
If I could just see you... tonight 只為了見你......在今晚

And I, I don't wanna let you know 然而我不想讓你知道
I, I drown in your memory 我沉醉在你的回憶
I,I don't wanna let this go 我不想讓一切流逝
I, I've fallen...  我無法自拔...

And I still need you 我仍然需要你
And I still miss you 我仍然想念你

And now I wonder if I could fall into the sky 現在想如果我能飛在天空
Do you think time, would pass us by 你是否想讓這段時光與我倆共度
Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles 你可知道我想走過這千里迢迢
If I could just see you...  只為了見你......

If I could fall into the sky 如果我能飛在天空
Do you think time would pass me by 你是否想和我共度這段時光
Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles你可知道我想走過這千里迢迢

If I could just see you...  如果我能看見你......
If I could just hold you... tonight 如果我能擁抱你......在今晚


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