一個拾金不昧的新新客運司機: 楊家丞(救了我一命!)

home3825 發表於 2005-5-25 10:31:53 [顯示全部樓層] 回覆獎勵 閱讀模式 28 4207
對不起我打中文太慢只好用英文 :redface:

I live in the United States.  I just came back last night from Taipei and I would like to tell you my experience with an
honest bus driver.

I lost my purse on March 25, 2005 around 4:00PM.  Inside my purse there were my cell phone, brand new digital camera, my passport, my wallet with my California ID and several credit cards in it.  

When I realized I lost my purse, I started panicking because it was Friday and my flight back to the US was on Sunday, there was no way that I could reapply a passport in time, and when I thought about the consequences of whoever got my purse, started using my cell phone, my credit cards...  I couldn't think anymore but started crying.  

Fortunately my sister stayed calm and called several number and finally got to 欣欣客運總站 lost and found department, and found out my purse was returned there "in one piece"; meaning whoever got it did not steal anything from it.

I was so so grateful and when I went there to get my purse back, the driver who found it and returned it was still there.  I am so impressed he being so honest, he could have stole the whole thing and when people asked, he could have lied and said some other bus passenger took it.  My purse has all kinds of tempting valuable items but this driver chose to be honest instead.  

I got this driver's name and bus number.  I would like to 表揚這位拾金不昧的司機: 楊家丞, bus 295, bus number: AF303.  I believe he should be awarded for his honesty and his behavior should be announced among people to encourage his co-workers.


heytex 發表於 2005-5-25 17:52


[ Last edited by kellie on 2005-5-25 at 06:49 PM ]
home3825 發表於 2005-5-25 23:32
所以啊, 對於那誠實的司機, 我心理的感動與感激是可想而知的.  喔, 我在美國有一次是全掉, 結果全部證件, 信用卡, 瞎咪哇溝全部重新申請.  信用卡們還要先掛失再叫他們寄新的.  我姐告訴我台灣重新申請信用卡要收三千元, 還好美國免費....我很老人痴呆所以常把皮包留在別人車上或餐廳.  現在都不敢用手提的包, 都一直背著...

[ Last edited by kellie on 2005-5-26 at 09:29 AM ]
gladiator 發表於 2005-5-26 04:40
The only thing I can say about this is "you are reall lucky...."

i recalled that once I left my wallet in the movie theater for like 2hrs

and...surprisingly, i was so lucky to get it back without losing anything...

That bus driver is really a nice guy !!
home3825 發表於 2005-5-26 05:13
I know, Thank God! I felt real lucky, too!  My sister was praying really hard while I was busy crying for the lost purse.  I didn't get a VISA in Taiwan so I had to come back in 30 days.  I really can't imagine what would happen if I lost everything...  I am glad that I only cancelled my ATM card because I did not remember what other cards I had in the purse and the number...
naoni 發表於 2005-5-26 07:37
What a honest bus driver.And you are so lucky... You should more careful next time.

[ Last edited by kellie on 2005-5-26 at 09:31 AM ]
ewoomgiga 發表於 2005-5-26 13:25
home3825 發表於 2005-5-27 00:06
對啦, 我想壞人也沒那麼多啦, 但好人也不多喔.  漠不關心的人最多!  這張就是我去欣欣客運拿回皮包後幫老實司機照的...地點: 木柵欣欣客運總站:
iqiqiq4.0 發表於 2005-5-27 20:49
home3825 發表於 2005-5-27 22:58
Originally posted by iqiqiq4.0 at 2005-5-27 04:49 AM

要你去買些面紙擦擦眼淚吧...  還是算你的精神賠償費?
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