Should We Play Lottery?

zhichong 發表於 2017-9-10 18:25:14 [顯示全部樓層] 回覆獎勵 閱讀模式 0 5148

In 2016, Americans paid more than $70 billion dollars on lotteries. In other words, each adult spent $300 per year. Since people spend a lot on this game, many economists argued that lottery is one kind of terrible investments because it is only around 60% of the money spent will be back in players’ pockets. The remaining 40% ends up for operating expenses or revenue of the dealers. Therefore, it seems we should never ever playing lottery.

The main downside of Malaysia Lottery Result is the probability of winning. All the lotteries consist of an extreme low odds of winning because the game is randomly run and pick up lucky star. Therefore, it requires gamer to spend a lot of money to win one time. It is logical if you want to receive something, you have to give out something. It is better for gamers to put the money spent on other investments. If not, playing Malaysia Lottery Result is one kind of waste money.

Besides, playing lottery may lead to addiction. You can imagine that one plays Malaysia Lottery Result to see his luck workable or not but when he wins, he tend to play more times to win money. Further, lottery builds one’s habit of being greedy. Once his mental is affected by greedy, he will try to attack the people surrounding him. Hence, playing lottery definitely hurts one and his family.

Some researches stated most of the lottery gamers are those in low income and education level. They tend to prioritize the betting to improve living standard and fulfill needs. When they lose, they are said to lose the control of managing their money and influence their emotional feelings.

All in all, lottery is known as more harmful. So, one should know how to utilize money in a much more productive way and should not fully depends on pure luck.

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