Twisted Sister - I Wanna Rock

jei5858 2020-5-1 11:16:49 發表於 音樂 [顯示全部樓層] 回覆獎勵 閱讀模式 1 1564

I want to rock!(Rock!)
I want to rock!(Rock!)
I want to rock!(Rock!)
I want to rock!(Rock!)
Turn it down you say
But all I got to say to you is time and time again I say No!
No! No! No!
Tell me not to play
Well, all I got to say to when you tell me not to play I say No!
No! No! No!
So, if you ask me why I like the way I play it
There's only one thing I can say to you
I want to rock!(Rock!)
I want to rock!(Rock!)
I want to rock!(Rock!)
I want to rock!(Rock!)
There's a feelin' that
I get from nothin' else and there ain't nothin' in the world that makes me go!
Go! Go! Go!
Turn the power up
I've waited for so long so I could hear my favorite song so, let's go!
Go! Go! Go!
When it's like this I feel the music shootin' through me
There's nothin' else that I would…


AbnerYei 發表於 2020-5-1 20:22
唱得不錯的英文歌曲。 不過演唱者的身體語言真的很大!
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