
回眸一笑百媚生 2020-10-16 16:46:39 發表於 國際新聞 [顯示全部樓層] 回覆獎勵 閱讀模式 11 11675


The Biden family is the most corrupt political family in American history. Ican prove it.  Joe Biden is terrified that you are about to hear the truth.
I'm Donald Trump junior. I'm the son of the president of the United States. Iunderstand the pressure of being a prominent member of the first family Trustme I've gone through it all. That's why I can say with absolute confidencethat Joe Biden's son Hunter, is one of the most unethical humans in politicalhistory.

拜登家族是美國歷史上最腐敗的政治家族。我可以證明這一點。喬·拜登(Joe Biden)害怕您將要聽到真相。我是小唐納德·川普。我是美國總統的兒子。我了解成為第一家庭重要成員的壓力。相信我,我已經經歷了所有這一切。這就是為什麼我敢保證,喬·拜登的兒子杭特(Hunter)是政治史上最不道德的人之一。

Let me say first that I'm not here to attack Hunter Biden on his personalissues. Idon't wanna talk about how Hunter Biden was discharged from the NavyReserve for testing positive for cocaine. I won't do that. I will not bringup Hunter Biden fathering a child with a sex worker, at the same time he wasdating his late brother's wife and then refusing to pay child support until acourt ordered him to.


The corruption in Hunter Biden extends beyond ethical concerns. It's
potentially criminal. don't just take my word for it. The US Senate recentlyreleased an in-depth investigation into the Biden family corruption. You maynot have heard about it because our media is actively trying to cover it up.Here's what they found. Hunter Biden leveraged his father's political powerto sell out the United States of America to our enemies and enriched himselfand the Biden family. Hunter Biden used Air Force Two to travel to China withhis father for business meetings with top communist Chinese officials. Hunterfounded and sat on the board of a private equity firm that raised 1.5 billiondollars from the Chinese government via the State-owned Bank of China.

杭特拜登的腐敗行為超出了人們對於道德評價的想像。這可能是犯罪的。不要只是相信我的話。美國參議院最近對拜登家族的腐敗行為進行了深入調查。您可能沒有聽說過它,因為我們的媒體正在積極地掩蓋它。以下是他們的發現:杭特拜登利用父親的政治力量將美國賣給我們的敵人,使自己和拜登家族更加富裕。杭特拜登曾用空軍二號(Air Force 2)和他的父親前往中國,與中國共產黨最高官員進行商務會議。杭特創立並擔任一家私募股權公司的董事會成員,該公司通過中國國有銀行從中國政府籌集了15億美元。

Hunter was involved with communist Chinese nationalists, who gave the Biden'smillions in exchange for access to American companies that produced
technology with our military. In 2014, Vice President Joe Biden took the leadon policy in the Ukraine at the same time. Hunter Biden joined the board of aUkrainian energy company where he made $83000 a month, around the same time
that a Ukrainian prosecutor began an investigation into the levels of
corruption at Hunter Biden's company. Joe Biden was threatening to withholdus aid to Ukraine if that very prosecutor was not immediately fired from hisjob. The prosecutor was fired. In a speech to the council on Foreign
Relations. Joe Biden actually bragged about how he got that prosecutor firedby effectively blackmail the Ukrainian government with taxpayer money, "Ifthe prosecutors not fired. You're not getting the money."


But Ukraine and China are just the beginning of the Biden family corruption.My father and I were famously investigated for Russia collusion. We, of
course did not collude with Russia and were fully exonerated. But do you knowwho was bought and paid for by the Kremlin? Hunter Biden. In 2014, Hunter
Biden received a $3.5 million dollar wire transfer from Elena Baturina, the
wife of the former mayor of Moscow, who also happened to be one of Vladimir
Putin's closest associates. Horrifyingly, according to a report from the USSenate, Hunter Biden paid off women from Russia and other eastern European
countries that are directly linked to prostitution and human trafficking

納(Elena Baturina)那裡獲得了350萬美元的電匯,而後者恰好也是普丁(Vladimir

It's not just hunter getting rich off of Joe Biden's connections. Joe Biden'sbrother James Biden launched a health company, AmeriCore, that was later
raided by the FBI, after he fraudulently transferred over a half a million
dollars from the company into his own bank account. James Biden also joined
Hillstone International to secure a contract to build a hundred thousand homesin Iraq. Minor details: he'd never built a home in his life before.

司 AmeriCore,後來被聯邦調查局(FBI)搜查,因為他欺詐性地從公司轉移了超過50萬美元到他自己的銀行賬戶中。詹姆斯·拜登也加入了希爾斯通國際(Hillstone

Maybe this is why everyone in the Biden family seems to have gotten filthy
rich off of Joe's "Public service. Joe and Jill Biden have an estimated networth of over 9 million dollars. Hunter Biden and Jim, do you know what the
fees are on just an investment of 1.5 billion dollars like the one they tookfrom China? In a typical fund, there's a 2% fee structure and 20% of theprofits. The 2% fee of 1.5 billion dollars is 30 million dollars a year fromthe Chinese government. Quite a bankroll for regular old Scranton Joe and hisworking class family!


The dark and complex interlacings of corruption within the Biden family has
now been exposed with this incriminating investigation by the United States
Senate. Did the Biden's financial entanglements impact US foreign policy? Ofcourse they did! But did they care? Of course not. That was the plan all
along: the Biden's didn't care about putting American national security atrisk with criminal conduct and threats of extortion. They cared about gettingrich off their public office.


Fortunately, Americans are waking up and they're not gonna give the corruptBiden's public office. We need someone who will put the interest of the
American people over the interests of themselves, and that person is my
father, Donald J Trump.


Without a doubt, the Biden family is the most corrupt family in American
history. Let's end their corruption once and for all in November.







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另外,我不會告訴你 ...

所以現在中共極力的挺拜登是得了哥爾摩症候群 明明知道川普連任會跟中國重修舊好 還是積極控制輿論不想讓川普當選?

其實現在有個很好的反指標 就是中共 只要中共反對的 基本上就是對的 他直持的那就是錯誤的

hydrocyanic 發表於 2020-10-18 16:20
rolin.aden 發表於 2020-10-18 16:36


apolloeric 發表於 2020-10-18 17:46
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