
楊依信` 2021-3-9 15:22:13 發表於 武漢肺炎 [顯示全部樓層] 回覆獎勵 閱讀模式 0 1210
Covid-19: Austria suspends batch of AstraZeneca vaccine as precaution after death

https://www.irishtimes.com/news/ ... ter-death-1.4503567

Austrian authorities have suspended inoculations with a batch of AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 vaccine as a precaution while investigating the death of one person and the illness of another after the shots, a health agency said on Sunday.

“The Federal Office for Safety in Health Care (BASG) has received two reports in a temporal connection with a vaccination from the same batch of the AstraZeneca vaccine in the district clinic of Zwettl” in Lower Austria province, it said.

One woman (49) died as a result of severe coagulation disorders, while a another woman (35) developed a pulmonary embolism and is recovering, it said. A pulmonary embolism is an acute lung disease caused by a dislodged blood clot.

“Currently there is no evidence of a causal relationship with the vaccination,” BASG said.


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