動視暴雪日前因被指控內部性騷擾和種族歧視問題而躍上火線,消息一出不只引起了社會的關注,也讓各界再度對遊戲業界的性別議題放大檢視。而近日一名稱自己曾參與《拉捷特與克拉克:時空裂縫》開發的 3D 角色美術設計就在 Twitter 指出,自己在遊戲開發中就曾與團隊因女角「蕾薇特」是否更加女性化產生爭執,更稱這些事情不像性騷擾那樣直接對人造成傷害,但仍會導致惡劣的業界環境和傷害。
When I was on the latest Ratchet and Clank game, there was an incredibly heated discussion that happened between the game director, art director, the lead writer, the lead character TD, and myself.
It was about Rivet, the female lead.
— Xavier (@xavierck3d) July 22, 2021
Xavier 在 Twitter 上「提醒」同業尤其剛要踏入遊戲開發行業的人們「可能會遭遇一些事,雖然不像性騷擾那樣直接對人造成傷害,但仍會導致惡劣的業界環境和傷害」,並稱在《拉捷特與克拉克:時空裂縫》遊戲開發中曾與團隊因「蕾薇特」有過激烈爭執,原因在於遊戲總監與美術總監覺得蕾薇特的模組應該要更加「女性化」,然而主要編劇、主要美術指導與他認為不應如此,因為就算是如此的「小事情」也在助長對女性與弱勢族群懷有敵意的環境。
The discussion — or argument, really — was basically about whether we should make Rivet look more stereotypically feminine looking. That is, should she have wider hips, visible breasts (or bumps in her suit), and other physical traits we normally associate with cartoony women.
— Xavier (@xavierck3d) July 22, 2021
主要的爭論便是圍繞在是否要讓蕾薇特具有更刻板的女性特徵「以及我們通常聯想到卡通女性的其他身體特徵」Xavier 認為:「(蕾薇特模組更加女性化)違背了這款遊戲所想表達的訊息,因為任何人都能成為英雄,無論他的長相、而女性長相也不一定要刻板的女性化,並且蕾薇特就像拉捷特一樣只是個外星宇宙狐狸。」直到他提出拉捷特到底哪裡像男人,爭論才不了了之。
此外,他更強調除了主要編劇與跨性別的主要美術指導和另一名女性,團隊中其餘 20 多人皆是順性別男性白人:「而團隊裡三分之二的女性以及他,告訴美術總監和遊戲負責人,蕾薇特作為一個外星太空狐狸,不應該有著突出的臀部和胸部。」
We believed that:
1. It went against the message of the game, which is that anyone can be a hero regardless of how they look
2. You don't need to be stereotypically feminine to be a woman
— Xavier (@xavierck3d) July 22, 2021
對於此事,遭指控的 Insomniac Games 尚未有回應,不過 Xavier 也指出當事人抱括他皆已從 Insomniac Games 離職。此外, Insomniac Games 去年時也曾有類似控訴出現,一名前雇員聲稱自己離開 Insomniac Games 正是因為其對待女性的方式,。
I worry this will kill my career – but this has been eating at me every single day for a year now.
Last year I was so depressed – for the first time in my life I started to contemplate suicide.
I left Insomniac Games because of how they treat women.
— Sol Brennan (they/them) (@wuffles) June 23, 2020
不過對於 Xavier 的想法,多數網友認同蕾薇特確實可以不用刻意女性化,但從一個虛構角色牽扯上迫害女性以及弱勢族群是無限上綱,並且 Xavier 自己的 Twitter 上寫道「我雕刻了蜘蛛人的乳頭」也讓人感到奇怪,更有網友直言「如果你看到卡通解剖結構而無法控制自己的虐待衝動時,表明是你自己的問題,不是我們的問題。」
Him complaining about this kind of thing while his bio says "I sculpted Spider-Man's nipples" seems a little weird to me, too.
— Meowski Catovitch (@catovitch) July 23, 2021
You not being able to control your abusive urge when you see cartoon anatomy is indicative of YOUR issues, not ours.
Control yourself. https://t.co/4ZclUB824X
— Just a Bird (@justabird0) July 23, 2021