上個月我讀了一篇博客的文章,叫做Why is there only one Elon Musk? Why is there so much low-hanging fruit? (為什麼世界上只有一個馬斯克?為什麼還有那麼多低垂的果實?),作者是Alexey Guzey,他是美國一家生命科學領域的新型科研機構New Science 的創始人。
這篇英文文章我的合作作者Rita Sun 幫助翻譯成中文,Rita 在一家新能源汽車公司擔任產品經理。我把這篇文章提到的觀點總結在下面:
●為什麼大多數創業者都去摘「低垂的果實」 ?
1. 地球總人數:約80億。
伊隆·馬斯克在聰慧上(smart)超過99% 的人,但是他真正稀有的是同時在能量(energy) + 毅力(persistence) + 創造力(creativity) + 雄心壯志(ambition) + 風險和痛苦承受能力(risk and pain tolerance) + 長線規劃和構建世界的能力(long-term planning and vision-making)這些綜合因素上超過了地球上99% 的人。
“Thiel says the most successful visionaries of the past did the opposite of this. They knew what they wanted, planned a strategy, and achieved it. The Apollo Program wasn't run by vague optimism and “keeping your options open”. It was run by some people who wanted to land on the moon, planned out how to make that happen, and followed the plan. Not slavishly, and certainly they were responsive to evidence that they should change tactics on specific points. But they had a firm vision of the goal in their minds, an approximate vision of what steps they would take to achieve it, and a belief that acheiving an ambitious long-term plan was the sort of thing that people could be expected to do. And great startups like SpaceX are much the same. 馬斯克started with a n-step plan to get to Mars, and he's currently about halfway through. ”