Ops...2 years have passed by (@Nov 11, 2013)

dolly 發表於 2005-11-19 06:25:48 [顯示全部樓層] 回覆獎勵 閱讀模式 835 103162
cuteyy 發表於 2008-7-15 08:34

回復 438樓 dolly 的帖子

nah~~ i'm not cute when compare to you!!

I hope you feel better soon~~

P.S. may i ask which school do u go to? If it's too private, I have no problem for u not to tell me =)
dolly 發表於 2008-7-16 23:17
原帖由 cuteyy 於 14-7-2008 16:34 發表
nah~~ i'm not cute when compare to you!!

I hope you feel better soon~~

P.S. may i ask which school do u go to? If it's too private, I have no problem for u not to tell me =)

Hey, don't say that!!! Everyone has her own beauty :) so do u!!!
I went to BCIT before n plan to transfer to Langara since I will move to the neighborhood.
T-MAC1215 發表於 2008-7-16 23:18
haha, no problem at all!!

well, it's ur choice though as long as u are not regretful!!

by the way, u live at joyce??  what a small world!! i guess u must know sun flower cafe!! haha
bobh1h2h3 發表於 2008-7-17 00:33

有些圖片 好像不視同一個人  還是我拖窗ㄌ@@
dolly 發表於 2008-7-17 00:51
原帖由 T-MAC1215 於 16-7-2008 07:18 發表
haha, no problem at all!!

well, it's ur choice though as long as u are not regretful!!

by the way, u live at joyce??  what a small world!! i guess u must know sun flower cafe!! haha

nah..I live close by Metrotown.
Will move to west van then... :)
dolly 發表於 2008-7-17 00:51
原帖由 bobh1h2h3 於 16-7-2008 08:33 發表

有些圖片 好像不視同一個人  還是我拖窗ㄌ@@

我也不知道為什麼會被這樣說 = ="
radiohead 發表於 2008-7-17 01:44
原帖由 dolly 於 2008-7-17 00:51 發表

我也不知道為什麼會被這樣說 = ="

1. Update May 30,08 in Taiwan 短髮 在餐廳吃飯(灑胡椒粉那張) 是一個 (燈光的關係嗎?感覺比較圓潤點)
2.Update!!on July,13 最新的視訊照 是另一個
3.Update on September, 07  以前 皮膚比較健美 (黑?) 的時期 是第三個 (這時候感覺很瘦/不知是否膚色的關係)

應該是 膚色 髮型 造型 等都很有變化...所以感覺不像同一個人...
cuteyy 發表於 2008-7-17 05:20
Oh yeah, you mentioned that you are moving to West Van....
So you are a model in Van??
Man..maybe you can go to those 溫哥華華裔小姐 thing..and WIN..XDDDDD.....
愛梅子 發表於 2008-7-17 08:31
看不懂英文~> <


各種風格都可以  超美麗的^^
jacky70735 發表於 2008-7-17 10:37
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