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dolly 發表於 2005-11-19 06:25:48 [顯示全部樓層] 回覆獎勵 閱讀模式 835 102791
behindyou 發表於 2009-4-25 14:08
Glad to meet you, beautiful girl,
I also am a graduate school student in Chicago, looking for a job
maybe we can have a chat sometime

Misery needs company, right? chick :P

klpp 發表於 2009-4-25 19:11
kunandy 發表於 2009-4-25 22:20
猴子馬戲團 發表於 2009-4-25 23:42
nice to meet you..
it's a surprise..
you are so beautiful
and simple!!..
dolly 發表於 2009-4-26 07:09
Punjabi, huh?  What is it supposed to say?
Kid_Dali 發表於 24-4-2009 20:11

Can I keep it as a secret ?
dolly 發表於 2009-4-26 07:11
Stay positive.  Job hunting is never easy.
At least you're not in the U.S. right now, right? (which has it ten times worse...)
Sit back, relax, and things will somehow work themselves out...

- Cheers ...
Kid_Dali 發表於 24-4-2009 20:18

Thank you so much for all those words.
Trust me they are really helpful for me.  
dolly 發表於 2009-4-26 07:13
Glad to meet you, beautiful girl,
I also am ahttp://home.ck101.com/space.php? ... o=album&id=5240 graduate school student in Chicago, looking for a job
maybe we can have a chat sometime

Misery ...
behindyou 發表於 24-4-2009 22:08

Pleased to meet you. :)

However, I am not in US.
I believe you must face something worse than what I'm facing.

Let's fight!! ^^
dolly 發表於 2009-4-26 07:17

This might cheer you up!
Kid_Dali 發表於 24-4-2009 21:13

wow.this is a awesome video!!!
I am always amazed by Japanese of what they can possible do :)

Peripheral 發表於 2009-4-26 08:34
What a surprise!!!
Which means I am not special at all...
Ha~ just kidding!!!

Yes. That wasn't me.
dolly 發表於 2009-4-25 09:43

Oh yeah, and few days ago i saw another girl that looks like you, and again the day b4 that & the same thing couple of days ago....
haha... just kidding.

Well, work isnt easy to find, but just keep on TRYING!!!  I AM sure you will find your job.  My bro's gf sent out like 50+ resumes when she was looking for her job & she's working at UBC right now.  so just keep on trying!!!~~~

but b4 you find your job, man no being upset about life.  work hard at throwing resumes, & hf going out, you can hang out with me too^^  But MOST importantly, reply to our msgs!!!!! XD
奧雷特 發表於 2009-4-26 09:53
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