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dolly 發表於 2005-11-19 06:25:48 [顯示全部樓層] 回覆獎勵 閱讀模式 835 102790
Peripheral 發表於 2009-4-28 11:47
OMG~ Honestly, I hate to look like others... LOL

However, your words really help me think more positively. Thank you !!! :)
Like what you said, I will keep trying without giving up.

Thanks again ...
dolly 發表於 2009-4-27 15:21

Alrite!  Sounds good.  So how about the next time you update, your title could be like this: Aloha, I've just found my job!!! =D
GL to ya!  I'm actually thinking about changing job at the moment...
dolly 發表於 2009-5-3 09:46
no i didn't read ur description..> <
right after i finished posting the reply..i was like..uh..did she say sth abt van in her description..?
nice whether in van lately huh...?
summer is ...
Jt1226 發表於 27-4-2009 10:29

I know!!! It's kinda hard to figure the purpose of our life as well!!!
I need to experience a lot and may find some clues... just some... hahaha

Good luck for us!!!
dolly 發表於 2009-5-3 09:48
Alrite!  Sounds good.  So how about the next time you update, your title could be like this: Aloha, I've just found my job!!! =D
GL to ya!  I'm actually thinking about changing job at the moment... ...
Peripheral 發表於 27-4-2009 19:47

Of course...
I hope so!!!

Do you think it's a good time to change a job?
I don't know... but I believe people having steady jobs are really luck!!! don't they? :)
sonyaya 發表於 2009-5-3 11:49
Peripheral 發表於 2009-5-4 13:40
Of course...
I hope so!!!

Do you think it's a good time to change a job?
I don't know... but I believe people having steady jobs are really luck!!! don't they? :)
dolly 發表於 2009-5-3 09:48

Anytime is a good time to change job =)  I dont think Canada is doing so bad... and the financial field's coming up already.  Canadian banks and citibank all reported profit for their first 2009 quarter.  台灣股市也漲超多的, 我爸一直叫我買 =P  

But yeah, think there'll be a lot more job openings after June.  Heard from some bank friends that there will be openings around that time as well.  

A bit of side note: ppl are going crazy over 豬流感.  Personally dont think it's that big of a deal but... i guess safer is better.

And last couple of days(besides today & yesterday), the weather was so nice... really felt like summer is here.  It's BBQ/Beach volleyball/Fireworks time!!! ^^
piggrass0968 發表於 2009-5-4 17:30
Kid_Dali 發表於 2009-5-5 09:45
Don't be too envious!  Having a job does not equate fulfillment or happiness.
The grass always seem to be greener on the other side.
You should be content with what you have...
Put in the time and effort and see what results =)
s10317520 發表於 2009-5-5 15:54
bgsiol 發表於 2009-5-6 02:23
長得蠻水的呀! 水噹噹~~~!!! 卡哇伊呢!
show1188 發表於 2009-5-6 12:45
1# dolly

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