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dolly 發表於 2005-11-19 06:25:48 [顯示全部樓層] 回覆獎勵 閱讀模式 835 102778
chen_38 發表於 2009-6-21 10:27

dolly 發表於 2009-6-20 19:46

........ 妳會做些什麼呢? 是讀哪類的 還是有哪方面的經驗?
part time full time?
dolly 發表於 2009-6-21 16:44
........ 妳會做些什麼呢? 是讀哪類的 還是有哪方面的經驗?
part time full time?
chen_38 發表於 20-6-2009 18:27

I hope I can find something like bookkeeping or something related.
However, lots of them ask for 1-2 yrs experience which I don't have...

part time or full time is fine with me now because I just want to gain some experience.  
chen_38 發表於 2009-6-21 17:21
I hope I can find something like bookkeeping or something related.
However, lots of them ask for 1-2 yrs experience which I don't have...

part time or full time is fine with me now beca ...
dolly 發表於 2009-6-21 16:44

bookkeeping.. i cant think of any at the moment.. but if u're interested I could prolly intro u to a sales related job
fly03226yahoo 發表於 2009-6-23 03:45
照型多變  有些還看不太出 是同一人
dolly 發表於 2009-6-23 14:58
bookkeeping.. i cant think of any at the moment.. but if u're interested I could prolly intro u to a sales related job
chen_38 發表於 21-6-2009 01:21

I don't know if I can do that...
sales person...
dolly 發表於 2009-6-23 14:59
照型多變  有些還看不太出 是同一人
fly03226yahoo 發表於 22-6-2009 11:45


you are not the only one saying this. :)
I think it's really funny... cos I am me... @@
chen_38 發表於 2009-6-24 06:43
I don't know if I can do that...
sales person...
dolly 發表於 2009-6-23 14:58

why not~ everyone loves a pretty sales gal ;)
they'll buy shit they dont need... and u'll get commission from it! good deal for you!
if u're looking for experience u should definately try it~! different experience from desk work for sure!
zpoiuxcv 發表於 2009-6-24 08:59
Peripheral 發表於 2009-6-26 07:51
lol you got an interesting and absolute conclusion.  

I've never played that before... I heard some of my friends are going there in this summer.
I guess that's pretty exciting but don't know i ...
dolly 發表於 2009-6-20 19:45

You know what?  You'll get over it eventually, 只是時間還沒到而已.  我也曾經忘不了一個ex, and still liked her for about 3 years after we're not together.  (很難忘記她when she's in my classes in university!!! )  不過有一天看到她就突然沒有那種感覺了.  I know your situation is not the same as mine, but... YOU WILL MEET SOMEONE BETTER!!!~~~   一個女人還是有一個愛她多一點的男人會比較 .

NOW, 還沒結婚就當未婚媽媽是不對的哦!~    jk la^^
I know about that beach, it's called "Wreck beach".  You had to walk down some stairs?  But I actually havent been down there yet.  Heard from friend there's a BBQ stand there?  And the food's actually not bad, just that... you might see some things that you MIGHT or MIGHT NOT want to see xD

As to your job search, even if the job description says requires 1-2 years of relative experience.  Just send in your resume & try anyway!  BTW, you can try for UBC library too, or any job in UBC for that matter. 雖然只是shelfing but i think they pay quite decent still.  然後又可以surround yourself w/ books, makes you SEEM 多有氣質阿, right?^-^

AND lastly, WHEN are you gonna come play beach volleyball w/ me?!!!    You are welcome to bring your little difficult friend^^
blueg999 發表於 2009-6-27 19:09
Wake up! He's not going to stop unless you make some changes to the relationship
A cheater always cheats! believe me, i am a guy.  Don't tell my girl friend i said that!! shh....
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