Ops...2 years have passed by (@Nov 11, 2013)

dolly 發表於 2005-11-19 06:25:48 [顯示全部樓層] 回覆獎勵 閱讀模式 835 103129
Peripheral 發表於 2009-7-6 07:51
u r so sly....I have so idea u have different meanings about "difficult" lol

What's board games? yeah...actually, I don't have lots friends in van. @@ lol

BTW, I got a call from a company in Tai ...
dolly 發表於 2009-7-5 17:00

Got a call from Taiwan?  Is that for a job in van or Taiwan?  Haha you're so mean... you dont like his way of speaking English >_<
But I'm sure it was because of his attitude first.  不是很懂為什麼你在這裡找工作有人會從台灣打過來, is it a modeling job?  

妳來加拿大多久啦?  or you moved from another place to van?  怎麼會沒什麼朋友in van?  多出去認識人吧... friends can help you find or refer you jobs too.  You can join a 台灣社團or 活動.  Go to 台加辦的活動, 或加橋, 或UBC & SFU 的社團, or even volunteer and be a helper in those events^^
After you know people in 台加 & 加橋 after you volunteer with them, you might be able to apply for positions within those organizations as well.  I know they're constantly hiring part time & full time positions.  我以前也有考慮幫他們工作.

Board games 直接翻譯就是板上玩的遊戲.  Anything like 象棋, 五子棋, Monopoly, Risk.  不過我們大部分不是玩那種的.  我們是玩like Risk, (每個人有軍隊然後要佔領別人), Transamerica (連接火車軌道btwn different locations), Puerto Rico (買賣物資然後賺錢蓋房子), 還有一些有的沒有的遊戲啦.  妳可能會覺得they seem hard to play but they really arent.  Just a lot of fun~~  Im sure you'll like them.
白日夢 發表於 2009-7-6 11:04
還蠻漂亮的..可惜 胸圍比較小..
我蠻喜歡 她搭配白色衣服的時候..
看起來 更加氣質 好看!
via123 發表於 2009-7-6 15:38
vejon1230 發表於 2009-7-6 23:53
736# Peripheral

比較口語會用table game     因為都在桌上鋪紙或布之類的遊戲   不過國外比較流行應該是戰鬥紙牌    不分年齡層  真要區分大概只有遊戲類別的不同

TRPG<===就是這樣的情況下衍生出來的遊戲   因為好的紙牌太貴了   唉....
Peripheral 發表於 2009-7-7 05:42
736# Peripheral

比較口語會用table game     因為都在桌上鋪紙或布之類的遊戲   不過國外比較流行應該是戰鬥紙牌    不分年齡層  真要區分大概只有遊戲類別的不同

TRPG ...
vejon1230 發表於 2009-7-6 23:53

不太確定什麼是"戰鬥紙牌", 是像magic cards, the gathering 那類的遊戲嗎?  像Yugioh 那類的遊戲?  那台灣人流行什麼樣的遊戲?

Table game... 哈哈... 讓我聯想到table dance XD  國外還是最流行Texas Hold'em Poker, 平常有在玩桌上遊戲的不多.  

Dolly: Sorry la, 在你的thread 上聊起來了.  不過我知道你不介意的, right?
yuna88 發表於 2009-7-7 12:15
651155 發表於 2009-7-7 15:29
狗國 發表於 2009-7-8 05:07
頭上帶著白色花朵吃東西的那張 好好看喔
KelvinChia2 發表於 2009-7-13 20:37
are you still in canada? how is the life there?
boxing day? do you mean 26th December?
eqp 發表於 2009-7-13 23:09
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