之前的 1.02 版 Treo 650 用不到的可試這版本 。
Softick Audio Gateway 1.03 with Treo 650 fixes available.
[Treo 650] Fixed number of issues with Treo 650 voice calls handling.
[Treo 650] Fixed "no called id" problem
Pocket Tunes stopped playing music after 10-20 seconds. This problem was introduced in Softick Audio Gateway 1.02 and now fixed.
Now it's possible to switch audio stream between headset/headphones and internal speaker without stopping playback.
Fixed an issue allowed to start connection to already connected device
Minor issues were fixed
http://www.softick.com/download_ ... =57&site_type=1
可用版在附件,幸運號碼:3333-3333-3333-3333 :smile:
[ 本帖最後由 WuSoLo 於 2006-3-5 08:54 AM 編輯 ] |
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