is it fair to be deducted 20 points???

eddie.wong 2006-4-13 23:33:24 發表於 檢舉投訴 [顯示全部樓層] 回覆獎勵 閱讀模式 1 1074
ok... i made a mistake. i did not reply according to the format required by the poster. but first, can i be deducted points just for that. it was a hidden post and i got to download first before i can tell the speed and so on. second, just for that i got deducted 20 hard earned points??? i cannot believe it and i think the admnistrator nowadays are just trying to be arrogant.

i am complainting mibtony. i think he is damn unfair. i seriously think so.

關於這個問題請直接詳閱.. ... &extra=page%3D1

~謝謝~!!~4/14 by nccucc

[ 本帖最後由 nccucc 於 2006-4-14 02:27 AM 編輯 ]


sheing3003 發表於 2006-4-14 11:28
u gotta read the rules first before you reply
if u don't follow it u get punished~~ that's just how life is~
u think 20's too much? i think its just about rite~ if its like 5 or 10 some ppl mite just ignore it
coz it doesnt mean much~
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