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The Roman Religion
Through the study of religious activities, we are able to research and understand Roman culture from another prospective. Religions are common to every culture; they are based on the ideology from the life. In addition, this ideology is the motivation of every action.
Numina ("presence", singular numen) is a Latin term for deity and conveys the sense of immanence, of the sacred spirit that informs
places and objects in Roman religion. Varro, the greatest scholar and critique in the ancient Rome left us an introduction of this Roman
religion. The Romans originally believed a rural animistic tradition, in which many spirits were each responsible for specific, limited
aspects of the cosmos and human activities. Ancient Roman adverted these gods as numina. For example, there were different numina,
Vervactor is the God of joy, Imporcitor is for fertility, and others for house, and for cattle. Some historians states that ancient
[ 本帖最後由 genepan 於 2007-6-8 06:28 編輯 ] |