依據當時(1896)在東(南)亞的一些國際(英文)的報導, 在此加註
(原始資料為相關單位的歷史img檔, 在此以文字顯示出來, 僅供有興趣者參考, 如有typo請見諒)
15 Jan 1896
Tamsui, January 4th. - Early on the moring of January 1st rebel simultaneously attacked severa
l places in North Formosa. At Sintian nine Japanese were killed, at Kantow twelve, at Sikkow
nineteen were found beheaded and mutilated, and at Pachina seven belonging to the Education
Dapartment. Taipehfu was futilely attached on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.
All is now quiet. The foreigners are safe.
7 Feb 1896
The Tokyo correspondent of "The Times" writing on the problem of what is to be done with the
Chinese in Formosa, states:-
Japan has now to face a serious problem in Formosa, the disposal of the Chinese inhabitants.
They number 2 1/2 millions. They will remain in Formosa, as they have remained in all foreign countries,
a race apart, preserving their own scale of living and insanitary habits.
There is also another difficuality for Japan. At present she restric's Chineses immigrants to the foreign settlements,
not allowing them to visit the interior under any pretext.
That will always be her policy, for she entertains just as great an aversion to a Chinese inundation as do the
United States citizens of the Pacific slope...........
11 Feb 1896
The main body of the 7th Japanese Mixed Brigade encountered a force of seventeen hundred
insurgents on the 17th January. The insurgents made a stubborn resistance, but were eventually
defeated, losing three hundred men killed or wounded. For were killed on the Japanese side and eleven wounded.
On the 18th a small force of insurgents sas defeated. After losing between 50 and 60 men the unsurgents fled.
Other detachments have been similarly successful in dispersing bands of insurgents.
11 Aug 1896
Advices from Amoy to the 3rd instant report that the Japanese have put down the rebellion in Formosa.
In a battle on the 31st July, the Japanese killed a large number of rebels. Peace is said to be now
restored in all parts of the island. Trad is gradually improving.
2 Sep 1896
The 8th May next is the last day for the people of Formosha to decide whether they
will leave the island or adopt Japanese nationality. Those who remain will not be required to change
their usages and customs. The smoking of opium will be prohibited only to those who have not
hitherto smoked; habitual smokers will be allowed to continue the habit.